𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚃𝚠𝚘

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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗳

"Complain all you want, but you're going to help me whether you like it or not."

The two of you walk over to the kitchen as you continue to tease Tendou for his laziness.

"Alright fine," he laughs as he raises his hands in defense, "so what are you going to make me cook."

"Is there anything you can cook?" you tease.

Tendou's eyes narrow as he looks at you with a new intensity.


"Hm, well if you say so then take the lead," you smirk, calling his bluff.

"Sure thing," he winks before walking to the sink to wash his hands, "can you grab six eggs from the fridge please?"

You get the eggs and put them in a bowl on the counter near the stove.

"Don't burn anything now," you remind him, still thinking that he's going to give in to his charade any second.

"I won't," he grins, "just watch the chef, Y/N."

"Alright chef," you tease, "let's see it."

Tendou walks over to you, failing to stop until he's practically on top of you. You feel your cheeks heat up as you watch him lean into you. He then reaches behind you and grabs a pan that was on the counter.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" he smirks, "You look flustered. Don't worry my food will make you feel better."

He leaves a kiss on your forehead, rendering you speechless, before putting the pan on the stove. 

As he begins to cook the eggs, you can't help but notice how genuinely happy he looks right now. You begin thinking that maybe he was serious about knowing how to cook.

"Can you turn on the ricer?" he asks as he cracks open another egg, "I already put the rice in."

He's got to be messing with me...

After finishing the task you were assigned, you hear Tendou humming something about breaking the eggs' spirits. You turn around and watch as he continues to do a good job getting the sandwiches prepared. He never fails to surprise you and put a smile on your face.

Before you know it, you're helping Tendou with the finishing touches before eating.

"Oh wait!" he remarks excitedly before searching through the cabinets.

Tendou pulls out salt and furikake and slides them over to you.

"It'll help prevent them from spoiling in case we don't finish them."

You can't help but laugh at his cuteness. You've got to admit, you are seriously impressed with his skills.

Tendou comes up from behind you, pressing his chest against his back.

"Still think I'm no good at cooking?"

"No," you sigh as you watch Tendou fold the onigirazu perfectly.

Tendou turns you around to face him. You notice his annoyingly proud expression as you're forced to look at him.

"That's right!" he boasts, "Let's eat!"

Tendou takes you by the hand and brings you to the kitchen table. As you sit, he runs to grab the plates of food.

"Let me know what you think," he says almost nervously.

Tendou puts his food up to his mouth as you do the same. However, as you sink your teeth into it he pauses to watch you. You watch his eyes glow as you take a bite of your sandwich.

"It's really good!" you remark with the rest of surprise you have left, "Where did you learn to make this so well?"

"I cooked for myself all the time before you moved in," he laughs before trying the sandwich.

"Wow, I've been played," you roll your eyes, "you had me cooking most of the time when we didn't go out to eat!" 

"Ah sorry," he says while rubbing the back of his neck, "I promise I'll do better from now on."

"I'm sure you will."

The two of you eat the rest of your food in silence, savoring the rest of the flavor until it's all gone. You then get up and wash the dishes for the two of you.

"Need any help?" Tendou asks as he puts his glass into the sink.

Once again he wraps his arms around you, but this time he leans his cheek against your head and sighs.

Marry me.

"N-No I'm fine," you say as you try to contain your flustered state. 

"Okay," he hums as he squeezes you a bit tighter.

You complete washing the dishes as best as you can, despite your mind being plagued by thoughts you couldn't get out of your mind all day.

Wouldn't it be weird if I asked it and he says no?! Or that we already are?! I have no idea how he would even react.

Once you're done, Tendou takes his weight off of you and walks into the living room without another word.

"Come on," he says innocently without looking behind, almost as if he knew you were standing there just watching him walk away.

You nod and follow after him until he stops at the living room couch. 

"So tell me what's bothering you," he says seriously.

He figured me out that easily?

"Nothing," you lie, "W-Why do you ask?"

"Because you can't fool me, Y/N, I know something is bugging you so please tell me what's wrong. I can't help you if you don't tell me."

You sigh. He's right and unfortunately for you, he's got you right where he wants you.

"I just, uh, Satori am I your, umm, girlfriend?" 

Tendou laughs as your face begins showing signs of worry.

"Well," he says dramatically, "I think you can only be my girlfriend if you say you want to be."

You huff at his words. His lips curve upwards into a smile as his eyes darken. 

"So you're waiting for me?" you tease, "Guess I'll make you wait longer then."

Just then Tendou stands up and holds out his hand to you. Skeptically, you take it.

"What are you-"

"You're going to regret saying that, Y/N," Tendou growls as he drags you off to his room.

"Uh, no, no, no, wait! I'm sorry! Satori I said sorry!" you whine as your cries fall on deaf ears.

"Prove it then," Tendou smirks as he stops and backs you into his room.

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{ACCOMPLICE} Satori Tendou x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now