𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎

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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗟𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿

Five months later you're walking home from your first day of school at Paris Tech.

"I'm home!" you call out as you throw your backpack on the floor and keys on the table.

Loud footsteps begin approaching you from behind and right as you turn around you're picked up off the ground.

"Y/N!" Tendou beams as he twirls you around.

"Ah, Satori put me down! I'm going to be sick!"

Tendou complies and puts you down, the smile not fading away on either of your faces.

"How was the first day of school?!" he asks excitedly as he pulls you into the room.

"It was okay," you admit, "I was still confused but I'm definitely getting the hang of French."

"Good," Tendou says as he puts his hands on your arms and gives you a gentle kiss, "I'm so proud of you for everything you've worked towards, Y/N."

You smile as Tendou sits on the couch and stares at you intensely.

"What are you doing? Don't look at me like that," you chuckle as you sit beside him.

"I'm waiting!" he says eagerly, "Tell me about class? What did you have today?"

"We've been over this already," you roll your eyes, "Business administration."

"I know but you're so smart," he grins, "I just like hearing about it."

"You're such an ass," you say as you roll your eyes, "Anyway, how'd it go at the store today?"

"Awesome!" Tendou exclaims, "We're almost ready for opening day. No more being schedule shit."

"That's great!" you beam, "I can't wait to see it once it's all done."

"Me too, I just hope nobody set it on fire," he shrugs.

"It won't," you play along, "as long as you aren't around any flammable objects."

"Ha!" he says sarcastically, "Me?! You're the one who can't be trusted with fire!"

"Not true," you whine.

Suddenly Tendou stands up and runs out of the room.

"Where are you going?"

"Hold on I'll be right back!"

You wait for a minute until Tendou walks back into the room, waving a piece of paper in his hands.

"What's that?" you question as you begin to realize he's holding an envelope.

"Better not be a love letter from anyone," he groans as he hands it to you.

That's weird it doesn't say who it's from.

You look over at Tendou who's now sitting beside you, just as confused as you are. Right as you're about to open it, Tendou gasps causing you to look over at him.


"Y/N! You told Goshiki our address didn't you!"

Oh crap. I totally forgot about that. We had been video chatting the other day and I accidentally let it slip. In my defense, I didn't think he was going to remember it though!

"Maybe," you whisper as you continue opening the letter.

"No fair," Tendou whines, "you love him more than me."

"No," you say as you take the letter out of the envelope, "I just miss him."

As you begin reading the letter, your mouth drops.

"What?!" Tendou exclaims as he bumps into you and attempts to read the letter with you.

Y/N~ Today I'm writing to you on my last day in Japan.

You see, my parents found out that you all moved out of the country.

Especially when they heard that Shirabu went to Germany and started Med School,

they wouldn't get off my case... So tomorrow I'm officially moving in with him.

My parents are moving to Germany, too! So I'll get to be with them.

I miss you so much and can't wait to see you again soon <3

Love, Goshiki Tsutomu

"Oh wow! He finally figured it out!" Tendou giggles, "I'm so proud of him."

"I know I can't believe he was able to move and stay near his parents... Hey wait, Satori, are Goshiki and Shirabu really close?"

I remember hearing Goshiki's mom calling Shirabu by his first name but I didn't think much of it then.

"Yep," he nods, "they actually are believe it or not. Wouldn't put it past them if they started dating."

"Seriously?! I thought I knew the guys," you say sadly, "I guess I didn't know as much as I thought."

Tendou pats your back, "Don't stress it, Y/N, they're still your friends!"

"You're right," you smile.

Tendou stands up from the couch with a huge grin on his face, "Come on!"

He offers you his hand and the moment you take it, you're swept away to the room you now share with him.

Tendou sits on his chair by the desk and you take a seat on his lap. You then watch as he turns on his laptop.

"Since we don't know where they live, we're going to have to email them."

"Seriously! We're allowed to now?!" you ask out of shock, "You're the best!"

"I don't see why not, and I know I am," he laughs, "anyway I've got something that I want to tell them as well."

The two of you then work on the message together and send it to five of your friends.

"You think they'll respond?" you ask, thinking that Ushijima probably won't.

"Of course they will! It's been too long since we've talked. They can't ignore me. I won't let them."

You smile and lean away so the back of your head rests on Tendou's shoulder.

"Good," you smile.

Tendou places a kiss on your lips and rolls the chair away from the desk.

"Now if you don't mind it's been a long day and I'm hungry. Wanna help me make dinner?"

"Yes, I'm starved!" you beam as you hop off of his lap, "Let's go!"


Just letting you know that I just released my newest book which is a Bakugou x Reader story! Feel free to check it out :) Also, there's only one more chapter of this story omg T-T I hope you all liked it!

Just letting you know that I just released my newest book which is a Bakugou x Reader story! Feel free to check it out :) Also, there's only one more chapter of this story omg T-T I hope you all liked it!

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