𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎

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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗲

Once you make your way back to the man, you notice his bright smile taking over his face.

"You're back!" the man exclaims as you approach him, "and you look so pretty."

You watch as his eyes briefly look you over before your words snap him back to reality.

"Now can you please tell me what you want from me?"

"Eh it's nothing really, don't worry about it," he says as he takes a look around your apartment, "I just thought you were really cute so I wanted to talk to you again."

"Very funny," you sarcastically tell the man as you closely monitor his movements, "don't lie to me."

"Well I'm not lying," the man shrugs as he turns to face you, "I think that you're gorgeous."

The man continues to observe you with a straight face. Although he probably is telling the truth, you can tell that he is avoiding something.

"So is that the reason you came here then?" you say coyly as you walk over to the man who is now walking around your main room.

"What's wrong?" he smirks as he notices you walking towards him, "Do you think you're pretty?"

Now a bit closer to him, you throw back the same smirk he has just given you.

"Do you think you're clever?"

The man deepens his grin before letting out a loud laugh at your question.

"Of course I do, sweetie, otherwise I wouldn't be here would I?"

Your eyes narrow as you wait for him to finally tell you why he is at your apartment. The man rolls his eyes as he sees your intense look and sits down on your couch. You watch as he relaxes himself by sitting comfortably and folding his hands behind his head.

"So you want to know why I'm here?" he asks as he closes his eyes.

"Yes!" you say loudly as you continue to grow impatient as the stranger settles down into your house.

"Well I might have released some sensitive information to you this afternoon that I didn't realize until now."

"S-Sensitive information? What- I didn't hear you say anything!" you tell him as you shake your head, "I don't even know what you're-"

"Y/NNN," the man whines as he sits up to look at you better, "were you even listening to anything I told you?"

"No of course I wasn't!" you exclaim, "you held a damn gun to my head so I was a bit preoccupied!"

The man begins to pout again as he listens to what you say to him.

"I held the gun to you after our conversation," he finally states defeatedly.

"W-Whatever, can you go now? I said that I didn't hear what you said!" you yell at him.

The man finally has enough. He stands up and walks over to you to make sure that he gets his point across when he speaks.

"I mentioned the names of some of my friends who could get in trouble if their names get leaked," he growls as he puts a hand on your shoulder.

"Well you don't have to worry about it," you say as you shove his arm away from your body, "because, as I said, I didn't hear anybody's names, okay?"

The tension continues to rise between you and the man in a silent moment of exchanging glares.

"L-Look," you finally admit as you break your gaze from the male before you, "I don't even know your name so why does it matter?"

As you continue to look away, a hand makes its way to your jaw. One that's definitely larger and rougher than yours. Your head is turned to position you in the direction of the man before you. At this moment, you realize the closeness between you and the annoyingly attractive stranger in your room. You try your hardest to keep the heat rising in your cheeks to a minimum as you remind yourself of the afternoon's events.

"Look, I believe you Y/N," he says sincerely as he looks directly into your eyes, "but the others aren't going to."

Your eyes narrow as different theories from what this man wants from you run in your mind.

"Get to the point," you groan as your head is still turned to stare at the stranger.

A new grin rises on the man's face as he senses the rising hostility in your tone.

"Do you want to know my name?"

"W-What? I don't care about your name! Stop avoiding my questions!" you snap.

The man rolls his eyes and takes his hand off of your face. You watch as he then takes a step back and slightly bows.

"Tendou, Satori," he says as he looks over at you.

You watch him in an awkward silence. Done with his game, you decide to wait for him to give you the answer you're still looking for.

Tendou notices and shakes his head as he walks back towards your couch. You observe from afar as he sits down and crosses his arms.

"You know, Y/N, I've come into a decent amount of money recently," he says before winking at you.

"Are you seriously trying to buy my silence?"

"Eh," he shrugs, "I don't really like those words, but I guess it does get the point across."

"There is nothing that I want from you," you huff in disagreement.

Tendou lets out a groan before reaching in his jacket. Your eyes widen as the man before you places his gun on your coffee table.

For some unexplainable reason, electricity courses through your body again and the strange feeling of excitement washes over you. It soon disappears, however, when you make eye contact with the man whose aura is darkening before you.

You take a seat in a nearby chair as you try to think up the best possible thing to say to the man trying to buy your silence.

"U-Um I guess I could use a TV," you tell him, "s-since I don't have one yet."

Tendou perks up now that you've finally given in and begins looking around the small room.

"You're so weird," he teases as he begins to laugh, "why don't you have a TV?"

"B-Because I couldn't afford it, no need to be rude," you pout.

"Alright then, Y/N," he says cheerfully as he stands up, "I'll go and buy you one."

The man grabs his gun and begins walking closer to you with his devilish grin until he stops before the chair you're sitting in.

"Remember gorgeous," he says as he brushes a strand of hair away from your face, "don't say anything to that cop, k?"

You silently nod as you watch the man before you inch closer to your face. A soft kiss is planted on your cheek and the smell of something sweet blows around you as he stands back up.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow then," he winks before showing himself out of the room.

What the hell did I get myself into.

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{ACCOMPLICE} Satori Tendou x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now