𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗶𝗿𝗹


"Just spit it out already," Shirabu yells out as he grows impatient.

"Calm down I'm getting to it!" I snap back at him, "The girl told me that the cop asked her about me and my 'friends'."

"Goddammit. Why does that asshole keep chasing after us?" Semi groans as he places his hand on his forehead.

"G-Guys what are we going to do about him?!" Goshiki begins to freak out.

"Shut up stupid, that's what we're going to talk about," Semi continues.

I look around and notice the three others staring at me seriously as they wait for me to continue speaking.

"Oh right," I add, "Y/N said that she didn't say anything to him about us."

Another audible groan comes from Semi at the mention of Y/N's name.

"Look I trust Y/N to keep her promise. She's got a stake in this too now, you know," I remind them.

"I do not trust her," Ushijima finally chimes in, "I think we should have taken her out before."

I stand up and watch as the others don't agree nor disagree with Ushijima. It's difficult for me to understand how they don't get what I'm saying.

"What's wrong with you guys? Y/N hasn't even done anything wrong!" 

"Yet," Ushijima adds.

"I've got to agree with him," Reon finally adds.

I scan the group once more, trying to figure out what is wrong with all of my friends.

"T-Tendou what's the big deal with Y/N anyway? Why do you care about her so much?" Goshiki quietly asks.

Although you know the answer, you take a moment to ponder its relevance and how you could convince the others that Y/N is trustworthy. 

"I just took a liking to her, that's all," I shrug as I sit back down, "because I can tell she knows how to keep her mouth shut."

"Because she told you that she would," Ushijima once again adds to defeat my statement.

"And just because she told you that doesn't mean she won't stab you in the back the second that you turn around," Shirabu continues.

"We need to do something about her."

I watch in awe at my extremely idiotic friends as they all agree. The group sits in silence for a while as they each try to figure out what they should do.

"Guys," I begin in an unusually quiet voice, "I don't want to hurt Y/N. I... I don't think that I can."

As the weight of those words resonates in my brain, a wave of frustration smacks me in the face. I lean forward in my chair and cover my face with my hands, trying to calm myself down.

"I don't even want the damn tv back anyway," I mutter to myself.

However, Goshiki hears my quiet thoughts and chimes in.

"I-I'll take a new tv," he states insensitively.

Without much thought, I whack the little jerk on the back of the head. When I then talk to him, I keep my face buried in my hands.

"Just because you've got super cool hair doesn't mean you can act all tough, stupid," I groan.

"You used to have bangs too," Goshiki whimpers as he rubs the back of his head where I hit him, "you're just mean."

"Shut up I'm not mean!" I bark back as I sit up straight again.

Before Goshiki has time to think up a response, Ushijima clears his throat. Everybody in the room then turns their attention to him.

"Tendou..." he says deeply in a way that sends chills down my spine.


I look around and now see that everybody is staring at me. They're all waiting for me to come up with a plan for Y/N and even though I don't have one, I've got to figure out something quick before I completely lose grip on this situation.

"I'll figure it out," I grumble to my friends, "you all worry so damn much."

"We worry because Y/N is a liability, Tendou!" Reon states, "If we don't do anything about her, she could lead that cop straight to us and you know that!"

Although I know Reon is right, I don't want to hear it. 

There has to be a way for me to take care of  Y/N without hurting her. There's no way I could bring myself to doing it. And I'd rather die than let these assholes hurt her, too. I've got to think of something... Something where Y/N won't be bothered by that detective...

"Tendou..." Semi calls out angrily to me, taking me out of my thoughts, "Did you hear what I just said?"

"No," I mutter, "I was trying to figure out an answer to your stupid question."

Semi groans and mutters something under his breath before continuing what he was saying.

"I said that you have until the morning to figure something out otherwise we're going to get rid of her."

"Alright, alright," I roll my eyes as I stand up, "calm down there SemiSemi-"

"Don't call me that ridiculous-"

"There's no need for that. You aren't going to need to get rid of her," I assure my friends as I walk across the room.

"Whatever you do," Shirabu warns, "you're the one responsible for her."

I see Reon and Semi nod in agreement as I head towards the door.

"That's fine with me," I wave as I leave Semi's house.

I begin walking down the street as I think of the best thing to do with Y/N.

I can't just kill the detective. That'll just make everything worse for all of us, even Y/N.

As I continue walking, I notice a couple holding hands as they walk up to their front door. I stop as I watch one of them take out their keys and open the door. As they go inside, an idea strikes me.

However there is one downfall, that detective will assume Y/N's an accomplice.

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{ACCOMPLICE} Satori Tendou x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now