𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗔𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗶𝘀𝘁

Y/N'S P.O.V.

A few blocks away from Semi's house, Tendou parks the car. As you both then make your way over, Tendou grabs onto your hand.

"Don't be too worried, okay?" he tries to reassure you.

"I'm not a baby," you roll your eyes, "Satori, I'll be fine."

"Okay," he whispers, "but by the way, I talked to them and they don't want to kill you anymore."

"Oh wow, way to be reassuring!"

"Just go inside," he sighs as the two of you reach the door.

You feel Tendou place his hand on your lower back as he gives you a gentle push into the house. When you enter you see the five men staring back at you. You aren't exactly sure whether to greet them or not so you end up standing there awkwardly until someone speaks.

"You're late!" Ushijima grunts to Tendou, ignoring you.

"Oh shut up. It's not like we missed anything."

Tendou guides you to a couch where you sit between him and Goshiki.

"Hi," Goshiki nervously waves as you sit beside him.

"Hey," you smile.

"Oi Bowl Cut, get your own girlfriend," Tendou whines as he puts his arm around your shoulder.

"I'm not your girlfriend," you groan as you shrug him off of you.

Small laughs break out in the room.

"You're right," he shrugs, "I'm pretty sure I told you it's only in your dreams for now."

Tendou crosses his arms and looks away from you triumphantly.


"Can you please stop flirting?" Semi interrupts frustratedly, "Shirabu is about to explain everything from the beginning for you."

The group looks over at Shirabu who rolls his eyes before speaking.

"As I was saying," Shirabu begins as he clears his throat, "the four of us went to buy from 'Kawa's guys, but early this morning I found out someone ratted on them and the whole group skipped town this morning."

"Pussies," Tendou mumbles.

Why does it matter if they left? We got what we wanted, right?

"Anyway," Shirabu rolls his eyes after hearing Tendou's comment, "our fingerprints are all over that building..."

Even though Shirabu continues to speaking, you subconsciously tune him out.

Our fingerprints?! So then if we ever get caught we'll be responsible for everything that's-

Your thoughts get interrupted by Tendou's warm hand relaxing on your thigh.

"Calm down," he whispers just loud enough for you to hear, "We've got a plan."

You continue to stare down at your thigh until you hear Reon call your name.

"And that's where Tendou and Y/N come in."

At this point your eyes are on Tendou, wondering what Reon is talking about. You notice his eyes brighten as he proudly stands.

"We're going to light it up!" he beams.

Your eyes widen in disbelief.

"Like set the building on fire?" you squeak.

Unfortunately, you make eye contact with Ushijima whose frown only deepens as he looks at you.

"Well Tendou is the arsonist here," he tells you, "and he is the one babysitting you so it only makes sense-"

"Goddammit, how many times do I have to tell you that it's not babysitting!" Tendou yells, "I like being with Y/N!"

"Get a room," you hear someone complain.

"Can you just do what you're supposed to?" Shirabu asks as he rolls his eyes at the scene before him.

Tendou turns to you and extends out his arm.

"Come on, follow me."

You do what you're told without much hesitation. By this point, you've learned not to question it.

You follow Tendou through Semi's house down a hallway until he stops at what seems to be a closet. Tendou flips on the light and walks in. You watch outside the door as he begins looking for something.

Eventually, Tendou notices you standing far away and asks what's wrong.

"I'm fine," you lie, "just kinda worried I guess."

Tendou walks over to you and puts your hands in his. You feel the nerves grow in your stomach as he looks down at you.

"You're going to be fine Y/N," he smiles, "I'll be with you the whole time just like before, okay?"

You nod, unable to form many words from fear and nerves of both the arson situation as well as the position the two of you are currently in.

To make matters worse, Tendou cups your cheek softly and gives you that devilishly handsome smile of his. Your heart begins to pound harder at the sight before you. You can't help the desire running throughout your body.

Tendou gently backs you against the wall and angles your face to his as your lips connect with his. To begin with, the kiss was small and light but quickly grew bigger and more intense. As you allowed Tendou's tongue to explore your mouth, you could taste the familiar sweet flavor of candy. It wasn't until you realized his hand had crept under your shirt that you began to pull back.

"T-Tendou we came in here for something, remember?" you awkwardly remind him.

Tendou looks at you a bit funny but nods and reluctantly goes back to what he was searching for.

"Y/N?" he asks as he turns around a minute later, "you trust me right?"

"O-Of course I do!" you reply, trying not to make matters worse.

Tendou holds out a container of fuel for you to take. Once it's in your hand he hesitates before talking.

"Please be careful," he mumbles without making eye contact, "it's kinda heavy."

You look down at the not very weighty container. You decide it's probably best not to argue with his words and instead just nod along.

Tendou leaves the closet. As he turns to head down the hallway, you see his soft expression turn into a slight scowl as he walks away.

What did I do?

You take a look back down at the container and shake away your thoughts. You remind yourself that you've got a job to do and you should get it over with before you begin worrying about other things.

 You remind yourself that you've got a job to do and you should get it over with before you begin worrying about other things

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{ACCOMPLICE} Satori Tendou x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now