𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗿𝘂𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻

After you and Tendou leave the café you walk back through town to get home. The walk was pretty quiet since you were internalizing about your problem of having feelings for the man who has held a gun to your head multiple times and forced you to move in with him.

"Oi, earth to Y/N!"

You finally snap out of your thoughts as Tendou waves his hand in front of your face.


You look up at him and see a disappointed expression as he stares back at you.

"Are you upset?" he asks seriously.

"About what?"

"Well you did have to leave your job and move across town with short notice," he shrugs.

"I told you before. I can't complain. I only stayed at that job because I needed the finances. It wasn't like I actually wanted to be there," you remind him.

Tendou chuckles and puts his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to his side.

"Well I guess it was a super good thing that you're such a clutz and bumped into me then," he brags.

"Definitely," you nod before chewing the inside of your cheek out of awkwardness to you close you are to him.

"So, um, are your friends okay with me?" you finally ask, "I heard them ask what you planned on doing with me."

"Oh... you heard all that?" he asks worriedly.

"Yeah. Even though some of them were still kind to me when I met them," you say as you look down, "I can't help but feel like I'm a burden to them."

Tendou sighs, not denying or admitting anything.

"Don't worry about them," he finally assures you, "they'll come around."

"Even the green-haired one?" you perk up, "he looked like he really wanted to kill-"

"Stop talking like that," Tendou interrupts angrily, "it's not your problem. I'll deal with it, okay? Just... don't worry about it."

Don't worry about it? That's what he always says. I feel like these guys only see me as a liability, especially the green-haired one, I don't want to be that way.

The two of you walk in silence for the rest of the way home. You can tell that you're not the only one who's got things to think over.

Once you get back, Tendou opens the door and lets you in first. You quietly thank him and walk over to the few boxes left that you needed to unpack.

"Do you mind helping me carry these to my room?" you ask to break the tension.


The two of you walk to your room. Tendou sets down the box on your bed and asks if there's anything else you want help with. When you're about to give your answer, a loud ringtone interrupts you.

"Oh shit, sorry," he mutters as he looks down at his phone, "I've gotta answer this, wanna hang out after?"

You nod and wave goodbye before Tendou leaves. You then spend some time emptying out the boxes until you're too bored to continue.

Deciding to look for Tendou, you go downstairs. You make your way into the kitchen and notice that he's left his gun on the counter yet again just like always. You look around to make sure Tendou isn't in sight before stepping closer to it.

{ACCOMPLICE} Satori Tendou x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now