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I open my eyes. I'm in a box cage thing. I start to scream.
"Help!" I start banging on the sides. I feel a tear roll down my cheek. I can't remember anything. "Anyone there?!" I yell.

The whole thing stops. A bright light comes from the top. Someone is opening it. I see a few different figures.
"Hey." I hear someone say. They open it completely.
"It's a girl?" A blonde with short hair says.
"Yeah." An Asian guy says.
"Where are we?" I ask.
"It's okay we'll answer your questions in a moment." Another blonde says. He puts his arm out and I take it. He pulls me up. I look around.

"Who are you guys?" I ask noticing they're all guys.
"Gally." The blonde with short hair says.
"Newt." The longer haired blonde says.
"Minho." The Asian says.
"Alby." A tall dark haired guy says.
"Zander." A tallish muscular black haired guy says. (Yes I made Zander up.)
"Jeff." A few more guys go. (I'm lazy sorry.)
"Ok well I'm.... I don't know." I say realizing I don't know my name.
"It's alright you'll get your name back in a few days." Alby says. "Come on."
"Alright you know the drill." Newt says to the others.

I follow Alby.
"Tonight we have a campfire for you greenie. We have one each time someone new comes." He says.
"Wait slow down. All of you woke up in a box?"
"Yeah, a new person comes each month." He says.
"How long have you been here?"
"I was the first one."
"Oh. What do you do here?"
"We do everything here. Everyone has a job. You'll be getting yours tomorrow."
We continue small talk as he shows me around.

"What about that?" I say pointing to an opening in a wall.
"No." He says.
"You can't go in there."
"It's dangerous."
"Just stay away from it." He says completely serious. I nod slowly. Minho comes up to us.
"Hey greenie." He says.
"Well I have to go but I'll talk to you later." Alby says. I nod. He walks away.

"Well how are you liking it here so far?" Minho asks.
"It's something." I say. My eyes dart to the opening.
"What's that?" I ask hoping he'll actually give me a response.
"The maze." He says.
"Maze?" I mutter to myself. He turns around and starts talking. I walk away without him noticing.

I walk over to the maze. I get to it and I'm about to step through. Someone pushes me out of the way. I fall on the ground. I get up and see who pushed me. Gally.
"What's your problem?" I say. He doesn't respond. A noise comes from the maze. It starts to close. I step back in fear. It closes.
"Next time I'll let you go through." He says walking away.
"Don't mind him, he's like that with everyone." Minho says. I nod slowly. 

It gets dark and there's this campfire thing. Gally and a few others are playing a game. I walk over to a section where no ones at and sit down. Zander walks over and sits next to me.
"Hi." I say.
"Hey greenie." He says taking a sip of his drink. It gets awkward.
"What are you drinking?"
"Something Gally makes." He puts it out for me to try. I grab it and smell it, it doesn't smell bad, I take a sip. It's absolutely disgusting. I spit it out. Zander starts laughing. He puts a hand on my thigh. I feel my leg muscle tense up. I quickly stand up.
"I'll be right back." I say walking not paying much attention to where I'm going.

Someone bumps into me.
"Could you watch where you're going?" I say. I look up and it's Gally.
"Well you clearly weren't paying attention either." He spits back. I sigh and roll my eyes.
"You should go against her." Frypan says.
"Huh?" I say.
"What do you say?" Gally asks me.
"I'm confused." I say.
"The rules are simple I try to push you out of the circle, and you try to last more than 5 seconds." He says smirking. Something inside me lights up at the challenge.
"Okay." I say smirking back.

I walk up to him the guys circle around us. I look around starting to feel nervous and uncomfortable. I feel someone push me really hard. I open my eyes  now on the ground. Everyone laughs. I stand up and quickly brush the dirt off. I start to walk over to Gally. He starts to move towards me but I step out of the way at the last moment. He looks at me annoyed. I go to push him but he grabs my arms to stop me.
"Giving up yet greenie?" He says mockingly. I pull my arms away and take a step back and walk as we start walking around each other.
"Stop calling me that." I say.
"What do you want me to call you? Shank?" What the hell does that even mean? I ignore him and push him. He falls on the ground surprised. Everyone cheers. He gets up and pushes me down. He falls too.
"Okay get off." I say since he fell on top of me and I'm being crushed. He pulls away.
"Y/n.... y/n? Y/n! That's my name." I yell as the name pops into my head. Everyone cheers and claps.

I walk away and sit by the fire.
"So you beat me, kinda?" A voice I recognize as Gally's say behind me. I turn around and it is him.
"Eh yeah I would say so."
"I think it was just good luck you don't look strong enough." Oh my god what's his problem. I roll my eyes. He sits down next to me.
"You have dirt on your cheek." He says. I quickly rub my cheek. He looks at me.
"Yeah you got it." He says almost annoyed.

"Oh hey you finally got your name." Zander says walking over to us.
"Uh, yeah." I say.
"It's getting late and everyone's heading off to bed." Gally says, practically telling us to go to bed.
"Fine. Where do we sleep?" I ask not knowing.
"Some of us have our own rooms, so I would just ask Alby if I were you." Gally says showing no emotion.
"Okay thanks." I say returning his energy. He gives me a fake smile, and I give him one back. I walk to find Alby.

I see him and run up to him.
"Oh um Gally told me to ask you where I would be sleeping."
"Oh yeah I was meaning to tell you, you'll have your own room. Here I'll take you." He starts walking to the room. Out of the corner of my eye I see Gally entering his. I walk in and lay down. I quickly fall asleep after quite an eventful day.

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