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Zander was in trouble. Gally wanted him banished, but Alby told Zander if he did it again he would be.

I'm laying in bed trying to fall asleep. My door opens. I jump up. It's Gally. I sigh relieved. He gives me a small smile.
"Did I wake you up?" He asks.
"No, I couldn't sleep. What's going on?" He looks down.
"I couldn't sleep." He says.
"Why what's wrong?" I ask lifting the blanket for him to lay down too.
"I don't know, I just get these bad dreams and stuff." He says getting in. He lays down on his back looking up.
"I get it." I say turning on my side to look at him. He looks over at me.

He lays on his side. Our faces are inches apart. Our bodies nearly touching. I snuggle into his body. He wraps his arms around me. I feel safe, and happy. He rests his head with mine. I can feel his heartbeat. It makes me feel happy and safe. I snuggle even closer to him. He gives me a tight but gentle squeeze making me feel even safer. I move my hand and rest it between his neck and shoulder. I breath in his smell. I start to fall asleep.
"You're the best Dove." He whispers thinking I'm asleep. I smile to myself. I fall asleep.

———— Gally
I can't sleep. The dreams are getting worse and worse. I hit my pillow. I sigh as I get up to go to the only one I feel cares about me. I open Y/n's door. She jumps up. I feel bad. I give her a small smile as she sighs.
"Did I wake you up?" I ask quietly.
"No, I couldn't sleep. What's going on?" I look down not knowing if she was lying or not.
"I couldn't sleep." I say.
"Why what's wrong?" She looks at me with actual care. She lifts the blanket for me. My heart warms up.

"I don't know, I just get these bad dreams and stuff." I say. I get in. The blanket is still warm because of her body heat. I lay on my back not knowing what to do.
"I get it." She turns on her side to look at me. I turn to look at her too. We're so close to each other. I can hear her breathing. She moves into me. I wrap my arms around her feeling cared about. I rest my head next to hers. She snuggles even closer. I get butterflies. I genuinely have never felt more loved in my entire life. I give her a tight squeeze. She moves her hand to rest it on my shoulder, but her hand gently touched my chest moving it up, and where she touched is tingling. It makes me feel so alive. I sit there enjoying the feeling.
"You're the best Dove." I whisper. I fall asleep nightmare free.

———— Y/n
There's a knock at the door. I open my eyes. I'm still with Gally. He's asleep. I look at him and smile. He looks so at peace. I remember the door. I try to get up without waking him up. His eyes flutter open.
"What?" He asks in his morning voice. (Holy shit ahhh I feel like it'd be so good.)
"Sorry. The door." I say. He looks over at it while someone knocks. I try to get up. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me back to him. I gently laugh. He covers me with the blanket.
"Stay. Ignore them." He says smiling.
"Gally." I try. I sigh.

"Y/n I'm opening the door." The person outside who I recognize as Fry says.
"Oh um-." I try. He opens the door and looks at us. He looks shocked. It takes me a moment before I realize what he thought we were doing.
"It's not what it looks like." I say. I quickly sit up and pull the blanket down. He sighs.
"Okay good cause I thought I walked in onto something I do not want to see." He says.
"Okay whatever can we go back to bed?" Gally says. Fry laughs.
"You know I'll take making breakfast today." He says. I smile. "But just for today." He says looking at Gally. I laugh. Gally ignores him and wraps his arms around me. Frypan laughs and walks out shutting the door behind him.

I look up at Gally, he's smiling at me. I want to kiss him so bad. Why can't I? We fell asleep in each other's arms, so doesn't that mean we can kiss. I get too scared and lay down on him. He starts playing with my hair.

Later that day

"Gally?" I say. He looks at me.
"Yeah Dove?" He asks. I am starting to love the nickname so much.
"Come here I want to show you something." I say. He looks at me with an eyebrow raised. I smile nervously. He follows me into the trees. I build up the courage and grab his hand. He entwines his fingers with mine sending sparks through me. I walk deep into the trees. I stop.

"I've never been this far." Gally says looking around.
"Really? I come here all the time." I ask.
"No. Usually no one is dumb enough to come here." He says joking.
"Hey." I say playfully hitting his shoulder. He laughs. He looks into my eyes. Then he just kisses me. His hand is in my hair. One of mine is on his neck the other cupping his face. I stand on my tippy toes. He pulls me in closer. I pull away. We smile and kiss again.
"I've been waiting too long for that." He says. I laugh.
"You have no idea." I say. He smiles.

———— Gally
"Gally?" She says. I look down at her.
"Yeah Dove?" I say loving the nickname for her.
"Come here I want to show you something." I raise an eyebrow. What is she trying to show me? She smiles and it's so cute. For some dumb reason I follow her into the trees. She grabs my hand sending sparks through me. I entwine our fingers. We walk in deeper, until she stops.
"I've never been this far." I say looking.
"Really? I come here all the time." She says looking at me.
"No. Usually no one is dumb enough to come here." I say trying to contain my laugh.
"Hey." She hits my shoulder playing around. I laugh. I look into her eyes.

Screw it. I kiss her. She kisses back. One of my hands is in her hair the other in her waist. Her hand is on my face while the other is on my neck. I pull her in closer never wanting to stop. She pulls away just to smile at me, before kissing me again.
"I've been waiting too long for that." I say, she laughs.
"You have no idea." She says making me smile.

(A.n: AHHH FINALLY I know I know I've been making their kiss not happen and I finally did. They're so cute it hurts.

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