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(A.n: this chapter will be a little weird but I hope it makes sense.

My heart hurts. My everything hurts. Nothings makes sense.

I don't want to talk to anyone. They keep trying to talk to me but I don't have anything to say. All I feel is pain.

As the next three days go by I refuse to talk to anyone. I am carrying the knife Gally gave me everywhere.

I start talking again. But I like staying quiet. Gallys knife is my favorite thing ever. I enjoy wearing his jacket too.

I have gotten pretty good with the knife... like really good.

We get tied up by our ankles, after we had found a group of people. They took my knife which scares me. I need that.

We end up getting out. I run to wear they left our weapons and I grab the knife.

We get out with a zip line. Only to lose Thomas and Brenda.

We get out of there and eventually find Thomas and Brenda.

We start going to where the safe haven is supposed to be. I don't really think we'll ever be safe but I keep that to myself. No need to bring any more fear and darkness to our little group.

We get there and get shot at until they see Aris and they let us in.

Pretty soon everyone is talking and having fun, except me. It reminds me too much of the bonfire we used to have in the maze. I miss Gally.

Frypan sits down next me.
"Are you coming over here?" He says. "We're playing a game."
"What game?"
"It's where you drink if you've done it." He says. "Please." He adds.
"Okay fine." I say still not meeting his eyes.

I walk over and sit down with my friends and a few others I don't know. One of the guys looks at me and raises his eyebrows as he smiles. I pull out my knife. I spin it around and catch it. He drops his smile. I smile.

They hand me a drink.

"Okay who's fallen in love?" They ask. I'm already regretting agreeing to this.

I take a sip.

They all look at me, surprised.

"He's dead now." I say dryly, trying to cover the pain.

They all give me sympathetic looks. I hate it. They dont even really care. They're only doing that because it's the basic human reaction to hearing that someone's lover died.

"Okay next question."

"Whos almost died?" Everyone takes a sip.

We go on asking questions.

"Whos lost their virginity?" Brenda says, mostly as a joke.

A few people take a sip. I do too.

"What?" Minho asks me shocked.
"What?" I ask trying to avoid this conversation.
"You and Gally?" Newt asks. There, they said his name. That hurt. I nod slowly. They laugh. I sigh sadly and they quickly stop.

I leave the game and just sit alone. Teresa comes up and sits next to me.
"Hey." I say.
"I want to help." She says.
"Help who?" I ask.
"Us, everyone. What is WICKED is right?" She asks.
"No." I say. "WICKED has ruined everything for me."  She goes quiet.

She walks off to the mountain.

I feel it in my gut she did something.

Thomas follows soon after.

I watch everyone.

I starts to hear yelling. Thomas. I look up and see a plane start to shoot.

I take cover.

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