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Some time later
(Because I'm lazy)

"Oh my god. You're so stupid Gally." I say shaking my head as I storm off. He laughs. That's it. I am so tired of trying to become friends with him. He doesn't care so why should I. I continue walking until I hear footsteps. I turn around it's Minho.
"You alright?" He asks.
"Yeah, Gally is just pissing me off."
"Yeah we've all noticed that, he's like attacking you. It's kinda weird."
"Okay good I was just thinking I was going crazy but now I know that others see it too."
"Yeah who knows what his problem is."

Zander comes running over.
"Hey come on." He says.
"Okay?" I say. Minho and I go with him. We are about to go into the woods.
"I'm going to get water, I'll be right back." Minho says.

Zander grabs my hand and I want to pull away. I get kinda scared and I freeze.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
I don't know, just-."
"You don't want me holding your hand? He says making me feel bad.
"No, it's just that I uh wasn't expecting it." I say nervously.
"Oh okay." He says not letting go. I look around waiting for Minho.

"Do you know when Minho's coming?" I ask, knowing it starting to get dark.
"No." He says casually.
"Uh ok. Well it's getting dark we should probably go back." I say.
"No not yet come here." I follow him.

He stops in front of a tree.
"What are we doing here?" I ask. He looks at me, and kisses me. I pull away immediately.
"I- no sorry." I say. He looks at me confused. "I'm sorry." I say.
"Yeah." He says almost annoyed.
"I'm going to go." I say walking away.

That night, like late

I lay in bed not able to sleep. I get out and start walking. I carry a light with me. I get to a point where I decide to walk a bit into the trees.

I hear a noise. I spin around, flashing my light in the direction. It's Zander.
"Oh thank god. You scared me." I say. He smiles, but it sends chills down my spine. I take a step back freaking out.
"Why so scared?" He says with a wild look.
"Stop it." I say. He smiles the same smile. This was a completely different Zander.

He grabs my wrist.
"Let me go." I say.
"No I think I won't do that."
"Zander." I say my lip trembling. He pushes me against a tree. I feel the bark cut through the skin on my arm.
"Now, what was meant to happen earlier." He starts kissing me. I use all the strength in me to push him off but I can't. I move my face to the right. He grabs my neck.
"Now, now let's not do that." He says moving my face to face his. I spit on his face. He looks at me shocked.

He slaps me, hard. I feel my body collapse but he still is holding onto me.
"Quite the temper now." He says.
"Leave me alone." I say feeling a tear roll down my face.
"Or what?"
"I'll tell... Newt, Minho, and.. Alby." I say terrified. He laughs, and grabs my shirt in his fist. He leans into me closely.
"You're not telling anybody about this." He warns. I look into his eyes and gulp. He laughs at how scared I look.

"Now where were we?" He says kissing my neck. I look around to see the quickest way out. I find it. I knee him in the crotch. He falls to the ground. I start running. I trip on a tree root. I cut my knees and hands. I get up and start running, not paying attention to anything except getting out.

I get out and run into the first room I see. I shut the door behind me, as I slid down and sob.
"Y/n? What the hell are you doing here?" A voice I recognize as Gally says. Of course it had to be his room.

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