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I'm sitting next to Gally as we're having breakfast. His hand resting gently on my thigh.

Alby and Minho are the only ones that went in today.

I continue my day like no other. I walk out. It's raining. I see Gally and walk over to him. He puts his tool down and walks up to me.
"Hey." He says.
"Hey." I say. I look around and don't see Minho or Alby.
"Have you seen them come back yet?" I ask. He freezes.
"No, but I'm sure someone else has." He says looking worried.

We run over to Chuck.
"Have they come back yet?" I ask him.
"No." He says still looking in.
"Shit." I say looking at Gally.

Pretty soon, everyone is crowded around. It's raining too making everything worse.

The doors are about to close as we see Minho carrying Alby. Fear runs through my blood. We start to yell for him to let go Alby and run. The gate start to close slowly.
"Run!" We yell. "Leave him." He stops moving. He knows he won't make it.

Suddenly Thomas runs through. Has he gone mad?

We all stand in shock as the doors close. I look over at Gally who's just as confused.

Eventually we all end up walking away. We know those three will be dead by morning. A lot of us miss dinner, and most of those that did go didn't eat.

I go to bed early. I'm laying in bed not able to sleep when my door opens. I lift my head to see who it is. It's Gally.

"You okay dove?" He asks.
"Well I'm scared." I say. He sighs softly as he climbs into bed next to me. He wraps his arms around me protectively. I breathe in his smell, reminding me that while I'm with him I'm safe. Just him, that's all that matters.
"I love you Gally." I whisper.
"I love you too dove." He says kissing the top of my head. I fall asleep felling safer with him there.

In the morning we all meet infront waiting for it to open. The chances of them being alive are slim to none. It opens. Surprisingly, they run out. Alby is passed out and not well. Jeff, Clint, and I take him and try to help him up.

Everyone else is talking to Thomas and Minho.

We're looking at Alby and realize he's been stung. Oh god. There's no more damage except for minor injurers like scratches.

"We should go hear what they're saying." Jeff says.
"Yeah." I say. We walk over.

"Starting tomorrow, you're a runner." Newt says to thomas. "And pit overnight." He adds. Gally looks mad. He storms out past me. I chase after him.
"Gally!" I yell.
"What?" He says walking into the trees. I catch up to him and stop him.

"Look at me." I say. He makes eye contact with me.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Thomas, Newt, Alby, everything." He says.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Well everything has been going wrong since Thomas got here, and I'm scared of what's happening. Everything was good before." He says.
"It'll be okay." I say. "We've got each other." I say. He smiles.
"Thanks." He says.

There's a loud noise. The box.
"The box is here." Gally mutters. We run over. Everyone crowds around it. They open it. It's a girl inside. Newt jumps in. She's not awake.
"It's a girl." Newt says. "I think she's dead." He grabs a piece of paper. "She's the last one ever." He reads out loud. What the hell does that mean? She opens her eyes.
"Thomas." She says, then passes out again. They pick her up and take her to Med- jack.

"I'll figure out what's up with her." I say.
"Okay." Jeff says.

I walk over to her. I check her pulse and it's normal, she doesn't have a fever. After a bit I walk out. Gally's waiting for me.
"Where's Thomas?" I ask noticing he's not in the pit.
"They went back into the maze to find the dead griever." He says clearly mad.
"Oh." I say. "Well, she's just unconscious for now." I say. He nods slowly.
"She knows Thomas." He says. I shrug.
"I don't know, Gally." I say.

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