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It's a few days later, and I'm working. Someone comes in. I turn to see who it is. It's Gally and he's holding his hand. Oh no. What did he do?
"What happened?" I ask walking over and grabbing his hand. It's covered in blood.
"I cut my hand. The knife slipped." He says wincing.
"Okay, okay." I say.

He's most likely going to need stitches. I pull him to the chair. He sits down still holding his hand. I grab a clean cloth and a bowl of water. I sit in front of him. I carefully grab his hand. I dip the cloth into the water and start to wipe away the blood. He tenses up. I know it hurts.
"It's okay." I say. He smiles. I continue. The blood isn't stopping. I grab the cloth and hold it against it. Gally breathes in through his teeth. I grab his other hand and let him squeeze it. It reminds me of the night that I found myself getting help from Gally.

Eventually the blood slows down enough for me to get a good look at it. It's pretty bad, and it needs stitches.
"I need stitches right?" Gally asks.
"Yeah, but it'll be fast." I say. He nods. I run and grab the needle and thread.

I get back and grab his hand. I set it down on my lap as I start to stitch it together. He winces and it feels as though it's hurting me. I give him a reassuring smile. I finish it up, but I know Gally was pretending it didn't hurt as much as it did.

Gally slowly flexes his hand.
"How's it feel?" i ask.
"It still hurts, a lot, but its better than before." he says. I smile. "Can I have a kiss to make it go away?" He asks smirking. I smile and laugh softly. I lean in and kiss him. He kisses me back.
"How do you feel now?" I ask.
"Still hurts. Another kiss?" I laugh and kiss him. Oh god, I love him so much, he brings so much joy and happiness into my life.

———— Gally
I'm working as usual. The knife slips from the wood and goes straight into my hand. Pain immediately rushes through me.
"Shit." I mutter. The guys turn to look at me and notice all the blood dripping from my hands.
"Gally, you should go to Med-Jack." They say. I nod to silence them as I walk off to it.

Y/n is inside. No one else is in there. Relief fills me.
"What happened?" She asks grabbing my hand.
"I cut my hand. The knife slipped." I wince as she looks at it.
"Okay, okay." She says. she pulls me over to a chair and I sit down. She grabs a cloth and a bowl filled with water. She walks over and starts cleaning up the blood. It hurts.
"It's okay." She says softly. I smile. She presses the cloth against it. I breathe in through my teeth. She grabs my other hand and I squeeze it. I remember the night she came into my room and I did the same for her.

The blood slows down, and she looks at it.
"I need stitches right?" I ask noticing how deep it is.
"Yeah, but it'll be fast." She says.

She grabs the things and sits back down infront of me. She puts my hand on her lap as she starts to stitch. It hurts really bad. She smiles at me, and it helps a bit. Luckily she finishes.

I flex my hand to see how much I can move it before it's unbearably painful.
"How's it feel?" She asks.
"It still hurts, a lot, but its better than before." I say. She smiles. "Can I have a kiss to make it go away?" I ask with a smirk. She smiles and giggles sending butterflies through me. She kisses me and i kiss back. It helped but it still hurts.
"How do you feel now?" She asks.
"Still hurts. Another kiss?" She laughs and kisses me again. I'm really in trouble now, I fell so hard for her.

. . .
(that night)

———— y/n
We're outside and I'm tired of being around all the guys. I look at Gally and motion for him to follow me. He gets up. I start walking into the forest.
"Where are we going?" He asks.
"I don't know yet." I say. I grab his hand. (The one without stitches) We just walk around a bit, before turning and walking back.
"Are you staying with me tonight?" He asks.
"I don't know. Do you want me to?" I ask smirking.
"Yeah." He says looking at me. I feel instant butterflies.
"Okay then I will." I say.

I run to my hut and change. I walk out and go to his hut.

He's shirtless. His muscles are showing, and there's a lot of them. He seems me and quickly throws it on. I try to hide my disappointment. He smiles.
"Don't be too disappointed, you can have me whenever you want, Dove." He says. I get chills. I hug him. I pull him close to me.
"I'm tired." I say. He hugs me back tightly.
"We can go to sleep now if you want." He says. I nod. He lifts me up and carries me to the bed. He lays me down and climbs in next to me. I cuddle up to him. He holds onto me tightly. I feel safe as I take in his smell. Him. That's it. That's all I need to feel alive.

———— Gally
We're all sitting together outside. I notice some of the guys looking at Y/n for for too long and its starting to really piss me off. I want to grab them and hurt them, while the other part of me wants to start to kiss Y/n to prove to them that's she's mine. I look at her and she motions for me to follow her. I follow her. She starts walking in the direction of the forest. I'm really confused.

"Where are we going?" I ask.
"I don't know yet." She says. She grabs my good hand. We start walking around for a while before we start going back.
"Are you staying with me tonight?" I ask. I want her to.
"I don't know. Do you want me to?" She says smirking.
"Yeah." I say honestly.
"Okay then I will." She says.

She goes to her hut to change and I go into mine. I start to put on my comfortable shirt when Y/n comes in. She looks at me in awe, and it sends sparks through me. I quickly throw on the shirt and she looks at me disappointed. I smile.
"Don't be too disappointed, you can have me whenever you want, Dove." I say.

She comes up to me and hugs me.
"I'm tired." She says. I hug her back tightly.
"We can go to sleep now if you want." I say. She nods. I pick her up and take her to the bed. I lay her down carefully not wanting to hurt her. I get in next to her. She moves over and cuddles into me. I wrap my arms around her. She makes me feel complete. I feel like I can really be myself with her.

(A.n: i like this chapter, its kinda boring but its still sweet. lmk what you guys think

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