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I walk out, nervous. Is Zander going to talk to me? Is Gally going to go back to normal? Newt looks at me confused. I sit down for breakfast.
"What happened to you?" He asks. I look down. I can feel Zander staring at me.
"I fell." I lie. Gally then comes and sits next to me.
"What did I miss?" He asks.
"Nothing I just got here." I say.
"You okay?" He asks pretending not to know. I almost sigh relieved.
"Yeah, I just fell." I say. He nods turning to look at Newt.

I notice Zander is staring at me. My heart starts pounding. I'm scared. He won't look away. I feel someone tap my knee. It was moving up and down. It was Gally. I look at him. He looks at me as if trying to say, "what's wrong?" I look at him before looking at Zander. He turns to look at him. He's still looking at me.

"Are you alright?" He asks Zander.
"What?" Zander asks confused.
"You've got a staring problem. Need me to fix it?" He says clearly pissed. Others start to look.
"Gally. What are you going on about?" Newt asks. Gally looks at him before looking back at Zander.
"Gally please." I say grabbing his arm. He turns to look at me. He sighs and looks back at the food. "Thank you." I whisper. He looks at me and nods. The guys start whispering trying to figure out what's happening. I get up.
"Y/n?" Newt asks. I ignore him as I run off into my hut.

I burry my face into my pillow. The door opens.
"Can you please leave me alone!" I say thinking it's Newt or maybe Gally.
"You sure?" Zander says. I jump up and scoot as far as I can.
"Leave." I say.
"You told Gally, correct?" He says stepping towards me. He walks to the end of the hut.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I say.
"Mhm sure." He says. I look at the door. I get up and get out.

I start walking. I don't know where I'm going, but I keep going. I hear footsteps, it's Zander. He runs up to catch up to me.
"What's wrong?" He asks. I scoff. I look back hoping for someone to come.
"Don't even talk to me ever again." I say. He does a pouty face. I hate him so much.

He steps towards me.
"Don't touch her." I hear a voice say. It's Gally. I've never felt more relieved in my entire life. He steps infront of me. He stands between Zander and me.
"I knew it." Zander laughs. Gally clenches his fists.
"Gally." I try. He ignores me.
"I would've never guessed that you two would get along." Zander says laughing. "What'd it take? Did she kiss you? Or-?"
"Shut the hell up." He says. Zander laughs. Gally takes a step, Zander steps back and stays quiet. Gally chuckles.
"Go now leave her the hell alone, because I won't hold back next time." Gally warns. Zander scoffs and rolls his eyes but he walks away.

I let out a shaky breath.
"Did he hurt you?" Gally asks. I shake my head.
"Thank you." I say. He half smiles. I go into his arms. He wraps them around me. I rest my head on his chest. He rests his chin on the top of my head.
"I should've come earlier but we didn't notice he left." He says pulling away.
"It's fine, you still came." I say. He looks into my eyes. I smile softly.

"We should tell Alby or Newt." He says.
"What about Zander?"
"He'll pay for what he did." He says. I sigh.
"Not now."
"Okay sure." He says. I look up into his eyes and smile. The urge to kiss him runs through me. His eyes run to my lips. We start leaning in.

"Y/n?" Newt says. We look away.
"Yeah?" I ask.
"What's going on?" He ask. I look at Gally. He nods encouraging me.

I tell Newt what happened with Zander. His expression changes completely.
"Yeah I'll talk to Alby." He says.

———— Gally
Y/n leaves. Everyone is asking questions to themselves and wanting to know what's happening. I can tell Newt's staring at me trying to figure out what's happening. I look down at my food. I look up. Zander isn't there. He followed Y/n. I get up.
"Gally?" Someone asks. I ignore them. I run to her room. She's not there. I start looking around. I see them. He takes a step near her.

"Don't touch her." I say. Y/n looks at me. I can tell she's relieved. I walk over and stand infront of her.
"I knew it." Zander laughs. I clench my fist, trying to keep myself from hitting him.
"Gally." Y/n says trying to stop me. I ignore her.
"I would've never guessed that you two would get along." Zander says laughing. "What'd it take? Did she kiss you? Or-?"
"Shut the hell up." I spit at him. Zander laughs. I take a step forward, Zander steps back and shuts his mouth. I laugh at how easy it was.
"Go now leave her the hell alone, because I won't hold back next time." I say staring at him. Zander scoffs and rolls his eyes but most importantly he walks away.

I turn around and look at Y/n.
"Did he hurt you?" I ask. She shakes her head. I feel my shoulders relax.
"Thank you." She says. I half smile. She walks into my arms, I wrap them around her. I feel her head on my chest. I feel peaceful. I lay my chin in her head.
"I should've come earlier but we didn't notice he left." I say pulling away to look at her.
"It's fine, you still came." She says. I look into her eyes as she smiles softly.
"We should tell Alby or Newt." I say wanting him to pay.
"What about Zander?"
"He'll pay for what he did." She sighs.
"Not now."
"Okay sure." I say not wanting to pressure her into anything. She looks into my eyes and smiles. Her smile sends sparks through me. My eyes run to her lips. They look so soft and delicate. We start leaning in.

"Y/n?" Newt says. We look away.
"Yeah?" She asks.
"What's going on?" He ask. She looks up at me. I nod encouragingly.

She tells Newt what happened with Zander. He looks pissed.
"Yeah I'll talk to Alby." He says.

She looks at me and sighs. The image of a dove pops into my head.
"Dove." I say.
"What?" She asks.
"Dove. It fits you." She smiles.
"Okay." She says. Dove. I liked it for her.

(A.n: idk if you made it this far ily <33

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