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It's greenie day. We hear the box come up and we run over. Gally and Newt open it up. It's a guy and he's terrified. They guys help him up. He looks at us scared, then starts running.
"We've got a runner!" The guys yell. He keeps running until he falls on his face. We all laugh.

They put him in the pit to calm him down. We all go back to work. It's my off day so I'm just helping around.

I notice greenie is out. I continue to help around by putting things away. I look over and see greenie about to walk into the maze. Shit. Gally pushes him. Oh god. I run over. Greenie is up and is about to hit Gally.
"What's your problem?" Greenie says. Gally steps towards him.
"Gally." I say grabbing his arm. He relaxes.

The maze closes. The guy stays looking at it.
"Next time I'm going to let you leave." Gally says. The guy looks at us scared and confused. I give him a small smile.

Newt pulls him away and they walk away. I look at Gally.
"What?" He asks looking at me confused. I sigh.
"Could you not make him hate you." I say.
"I saved his life."
"Yes but you- nevermind." I say.
"Are you sure?" He asks confused.
"Yeah." I say.

Later that day we have the bonfire. I'm standing by the group of guys going against Gally. He's winning again and again. Each round looking at me before he starts. His smile when he wins gives me butterflies.
"Why don't you let me have a go?" I say. He shrugs with a slight smirk.

I walk over. He squares up. I do so as well.
"You go first." He says. I tilt me head slightly. I run at him and push him. He stumbles back, but manages to stay up. He goes to push my shoulder, but I grab his arm making it so I don't move. I look down and notice his feet. I try to trip him. (Same move she does every time) he moves out of the way last second. And because he moved so fast and I'm grabbing his arm, I fall back.

Gally falls too, but on top of me. He puts on arm out to not completely fall on me.
"You okay?" He asks.
"Yeah." I say as he helps me up.

I walk out of the way. I see Newt walk over with greenie.
"This is Y/n. She's a med- jack." He says.
"Hi." Greenie says.
"Hey, so how are you liking the glade so far?" I ask.
"It's something." He says.
"You'll get used to it." I say with a smile as I remember how scared and confused I was at first.
"Yeah she's quite nice just don't mess with her boyfriend, Gally." Newt says. I laugh.
"That's him." I say pointing to him.
"Oh him." He says.
"He likes to put up a strong front but he's actually really sweet." I say.
"Okay." He says.
"We'll come on now." Newt says starting to walk.

"What do you say greenie?" Gally says.
"What?" Greenie says.
"Will you go against him?" I say. He looks over at Newt.
"Rules are simple, I try to push you out of the circle you try to last more than five seconds." Gally says. The guys laugh. And I laugh softly as I shake my head.

Greenie walks over to him. Gally pushes him so easy it gives me second hand embarrassment. He gets up and they start pushing each other. They're talking and all I can hear is the word "shank" being thrown around. Greenie gets Gally down. Greenie stands proudly as starts trying to walk away. Gally uses his feet to trip him. He falls onto his face. Everyone laughs.

"Thomas! Thomas!" Greenie starts yelling.
"What?" Newt asks.
"That's my name. Thomas." He says. Gally walks over to him a and helps him up.
"Welcome Thomas." He says. I smile to myself.

After that everyone goes off and does their own thing. Gally walks over with me. We're sitting down and I have my head on his shoulder. He's playing with my hand.
"Do you think we're getting out anytime soon?" I ask.
"I don't know if I really want to. I mean this is all that we know. I have everything I need here." He says.
"I suppose, but don't you wonder what it's like out there?" I ask.
"Yeah but it could be something really bad."
"Yeah I guess." I say, entwining my fingers with his.

"You tired?" He asks.
"Yeah." I say yawning. He smiles.
"Let's go then. Everyone is gonna leave any moment now." He says.
"Your hut or mine?" I ask.
"Either is fine." He says.
"Yours. It makes me feel safe." I say. He smiles.

I run off into mine as I get changed and walk back to his. He's already sitting in bed. He lifts the blanket up. I crawl in excitedly. I snuggle close to his chest. He wraps his arms around me.

"I love you, Dove." He says kissing my head.
"I love you more." I say smiling.

I breathe in his smell as I drift off to sleep.

The next morning

Gally helped Thomas carve his name out on the wall.

I'm just working when I hear screams for help. I run out to see Thomas running from Ben. What the hell? Newt hits Ben with a shovel. He helps Thomas up.

I run over to check on what's happening.

I look at Ben, he doesn't look normal.
"Lift up his shirt." I say having a feeling about something. Ben protests and starts yelling. Newt does it anyway. I knew it.

He's been stung. Ben is screaming and yelling. I look over at Gally who has a shocked and confused look.

They throw him in the pit.

"What did they decide?" I ask Gally.
"Banishment." He says. I look down at my hands.
"Why is this happening now?" I ask. "How was he stung?" I say again.
"I don't know, Dove." He says softly.
"Is it tonight?"

That night I don't wanna really watch but I still go. He screams and yells as they use poles to push him in. The gates close. Chills run through me.

That night I'm laying in bed with Gally. My mind going from thought to thought.
"I'm scared." I say.
"About?" Gally asks.
"Ben was just stung in the middle of the day and was banished. What is going on?" I say looking at Gally.
"Hey." He says noticing how scared I am. "I'm here and I'm not going to let anything hurt you. You're safe with me." He says hugging me tightly.

(A.n: ahhh ok so sorry for the wait I've been out with friends a lot recently and haven't had much time to write but here I am. What do you guys think???

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