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I'm walking around. Minho runs over to me.
"So I've noticed some things." He says. I look at him confused. "Gally isn't rude to you anymore." I laugh.
"Yeah I know." I say.
"Tell me. What happened?" I tell him about how we are dating and how sweet he is.
"That's cute." He says. I smile at him.

. . .

I'm half asleep in Gally's bed and he's asleep. I roll over to face him. I smile at how peaceful he is. He moves slightly.
"Dove?" He whispers.
"Mhm?" He doesn't say anything as he wraps his arms around me and brings me up to him. I'm now laying on his chest. I pull my head off and kiss him. He kisses me back but he's still half asleep. I lay my head back down as we fall back asleep.

A few hours later I pull myself up. I look over at Gally who's waking up too.
"New greenie day." He says. I smile.
"Yeah it's exciting." I say smiling.
"Unless it's a guy who tries to get with you." He says.
"You know I have eyes for you only."
"It's not your eyes I'm worried about, it's where theirs might be looking." He says. I look at him.
"It'll be fine, Alby has the rule thing now."
"I suppose. Just promise if anyone tries anything you'll tell me no matter what they say."
"Yeah I promise." I say hugging him. He gives me a tight squeeze.

We get ready and walk out. We start working. It doesn't take long before we hear the box. We run over. I stand next to Gally. Newt and Alby open up the box. It's a boy. No older than 13. He start crying hysterically. I look over at Gally confused on what to do. He looks up at Alby. No one knows what to do since it's a little boy.
"Hey." I say moving over so he can see me. He looks up at me. "It's okay." I say softly. He klunks himself. He's freaking out. "Sh. It's okay." I say again. He looks at me. I ignore the guys that are laughing, and jump in. I put my hand out to him. He takes it.

"It's okay. It happened to all of us." I says. He sniffs. I can tell he's scared.
"Why can't I remember?"
"It's a long story. Just take a deep breath." He nods slowly. "Come on." I say standing up. He stands up slowly. I walk over to the edge. Gally is standing there. He puts a hand out for me. I take it. He pulls me up.
"Thanks." I say. He nods helping the boy out. Other people start walking off. Alby walks over and talks to the boy. Gally and I walk away when he is calm.

"You did great." Gally says.
"Huh?" I ask confused.
"On calming greenie down."
"I guess. No one else seemed to care so someone had to do something." I say. He smiles.
"Are we having the bonfire tonight?" I ask.
"Yeah we have one each time someone comes up."
"Okay." We go off and do our work.

It's now dark and we're at the bonfire. Gally is doing his usual thing. I get a drink and take a sip. It's really strong so I just hold it. I walk over to watch Gally. He just pushed one of the guys onto the ground. He looks at me.
"Dove?" He asks. I know he's asking if I want to go against him.
"Hold this." I say handing the drink to someone. I walk up to Gally. He smiles. I smile back.

He backs up and tilts his head while raising his eyebrow. I shake my head smiling. He starts running at me. I step out of the way. He starts walking towards me. I don't move. He stands infront of me. I watch his feet. He goes to push me, and I try to kick his foot to trip him but he moves it last second. I fall to the ground.
"Too slow Dove." He says helping me up. I sigh.

I square up again. I look him in the eyes. He looks at me as if wanting me to go at him. I take the opportunity and run at him. He stumbles back. I push him. He falls. Everyone around us claps. I smile at him as I help him up. He stands up. We stand inches away. We look at each other. I feel everyone else's confused eyes staring at us.

"Why don't we let greenie go?" Minho says, making us realize we aren't alone.
"I- uh sure." Gally says. He kid starts walking over clearly scared. I look at Gally and pat his shoulder.
"Don't hurt him please." I say. He smiles. I walk off. Newt runs up to me.

"What was that?" He asks.
"What was what?" I ask. He looks at me for a moment.
"It might've been nothing." He says. I turn to look back at them. Gally gently pushes the boy. The boy falls. Gally helps him up. He lets him hit him. I love how he's being so sweet with him. He's letting the boy win.

After Gally "lost" he stops doing it and walks over to me.
"So you lost." I say smiling. He smiles.
"To you and greenie." He says.
"That was sweet." I say. He smiles. He takes my hand and walks over to sit. We sit down.

Winston comes running over.
"Your drink." He says.
"Oh right. Thanks." He hands it to me and walks off.

"You want it?" I ask Gally.
"Sure." He takes it and takes a sip. "Did you not like it?" He asks.
"No it's just a bit strong." I say.
"Oh. Well if you want some just ask." He says. I smile.
"Fine give me a sip." He hands it to me. I throw my head back. It burns my throat but feels nice. I take another one. I hand it back to him. He finishes it.

"I'll go get more. Want some?" He asks getting up.
"Sure." I say. He walks off.

The boy walks over and sits next to me.
"Hey greenie." He smiles. "What's up?" I ask.
"Well you are one of the only ones that's nice." He says. I smile.
"Well you can talk to Gally and I."
"Gally?" He asks.
"Yeah the guy who you beat." I say.
"Oh I didn't know his name." I smile.
"He acts all tuff and mean but he's really a big bear." He laughs.
"Who's a big bear?" Gally says sitting down.
"You." He says. Gally laughs.

He hands me my drink.
"What's that?" Greenie asks.
"Oh want some?" Gally asks.
"Gally!" I yell.
"What?" He asks clueless.
"He's a child. You're not giving him alcohol." I say. Gally looks at me confused.
"And?" He says. I sigh and roll my eyes.
"Gally. He's a child and he's not having alcohol." I repeat.
"I guess." He says.

We talk for a bit.

———— Gally
I push Ben. He falls. I look around and see Y/n.
"Dove?" I say asking if she wants to go.
"Hold this." She hands her drink to Winston. She walks up to me. I smile, and she smiles back. I back up. I tilt my head raising an eyebrow. I know I'm not going to hurt her, but just because I like her I'm not going easy. She shakes her head smiling, it's the same smile that gives me butterflies and it doesn't disappoint. I start running at her. She steps out of my way. I love when she does it. I walk up to her and she doesn't move. I go to push her but she tries to trip me by pulling my foot, but I move it last second. She falls.
"Too slow Dove." I say helping her up. She sighs.

She gets ready to go again. Ugh she's so cute. We have eye contact. I want her to go after me. She runs at me and pushes me. I stumble back. She pushes me again making me fall. She smiles and helps me up. I stand up and stand inches away from her. I want to kiss her and hold her tightly.

"Why don't we let greenie go?" Minho says, making us realize we aren't alone.
"I- uh sure." I say. Greenie walks over. Y/n pats my shoulder sending sparks.
"Don't hurt him please." She says. I smile. She walks off.

(A.n: sooo what do you guys think? Next chapter is gonna be spicy so just deal with this for now LOL

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