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Gally and I are now both tipsy. We're laughing. Greenie had left and started talking to Alby. I look at Gally. He looks at me and smiles. I lean in and kiss him. He kisses back and has a hand in my hair. I pull away smiling. He leans in close to my ear.
"Wanna get away from them?" He says. I look around and notice that there are a lot of guys looking at us confused.
"Sure." I say.
"What are you shanks looking at?" He says to the guys looking. They look away.

We get up and walk off to his room. He shuts the door. He holds me close. I look at him and smile. He pulls me in closer. I look into his eyes. His eyes are glimmering. I lean in and kiss him. Neither of us pull away. He pushes me against the wall. His hand at my waist pulling me in. His other hand resting on the wall. I look up at him and smile. He leans in and continues to kiss me. I grab his shirt in a fist and pull him closer. He lets go of my waist and puts both hands on the wall. I slip under him and pull him with. I start to kiss him as we walk. I push him onto the bed. I climb onto him to continue kissing. He runs his hand down my side sending chills. I start to take off his shirt. He takes it off. I take my shirt. He looks at me a moment before starting to take off his pants. I reach to take off my bra, but because I'm realizing what's about to happen I'm messing up. Gally reaches over and unclips it. It starts to slip off my arms. I realize what we're about to do, and immediately cover myself nervous.

"Is everything okay?" Gally asks. I look down. "We don't have to."
"No. I want to." I say. He smiles. He kisses me slowly. I hold my bra with my left hand while I pull my pants down with my right hand. I leave my underwear on. I look down at him before letting go, and throwing it to the side.

He looks at me for a moment. I ignore his looks as I lean in and start to kiss him.

(A.n: it's about to start so if you don't wanna read that or your under the age of 8 skip this)
He flips me over so he's on top now.
"You ready?" He asks between kisses.
"Yes." I say kissing back.

He peels off the my underwear. I feel him enter me. I bite back a moan. He repeats it, going in deeper. I feel myself sink my nails into his back. My back start to arch as he continues.
"Fuck Gally." I mutter.
"You feel good too." He says. He starts to move faster. My nails sink in deeper. The two of us try to stay as quiet as possible since people are outside.
(A.n: ok that's all I'm writing!! Sorry that it's not that good, it makes me so uncomfortable but I'll write more later probably.)

We finish and I lay my head on his chest as we fall asleep.

———— Gally
I wake up. It's still dark. Y/n is asleep on my chest. Her whole back exposed since the blanket moved down. I run my finger on her arm. She doesn't wake up but moves closer to me. I cover her up better with the blanket. I kiss her forehead. She snuggles up closer to me. I turn slightly to wrap my arms around her.

———— y/n
I wake up, and luckily both Gally and I have off days today. Gally is still asleep. I stay in his arms. I rest my head back down. I fall asleep but wake up a few minutes later. I just stay there listening to his heartbeat. It's soft and peaceful. He looks as though nothing in the world can hurt him, and it's adorable. I just stay there until he wakes up.
"Hey dove." He mutters in the best morning voice ever.
"Hey." I say smiling at him.
"We both have a day off today right?" He asks.
"Yeah, which means we could stay in bed all day." I say. He smiles.
"We could or could hang out." He suggests. I sigh.
"I don't care, anything we do will be fine." I say. He kisses my forehead.
"Okay. What should we do first?" He asks.
"Change." I say feeling uncomfortable. He smiles.
"I don't know, I don't mind this." He says smirking. I jokingly hit him. He smiles.

I get up and start to change, wearing one of his shirts and a pair of my shorts. He throws on a pair of jeans and a white tank top. He starts looking for his usual long sleeve.
"No stick with the tank top." I say. He looks over at me.
"You sure?" He asks looking down.
"Yeah it looks good." I say admiring the way his muscles are showing. He smiles and puts down the shirt in his hand.
"I'm trusting you on this one." I laugh making him laugh too.

He comes up to me and wraps his arms around me. I feel so safe in his arms. I let myself melt into his arms.

"Y/n." He says. I pull away to look at him. "I love you." He says. I feel heat run to my face.
"I love you too." I say. He leans in and kisses me. I stand on my tippy toes. He lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist. I have my hands on his face. He smiles. I lay my forehead on his. He puts me back down.

"Let's go get breakfast." He says. We walk out. Most people were too drunk to remember most of last night. We sit down. Gally sets his hand on my thigh and I don't move. He looks at me and smiles. I smile back.

———— Gally
I wake up. Y/n is still in my arms and she's awake.
"Hey dove." I say.
"Hey." She says smiling.
"We both have a day off today right?" I ask.
"Yeah, which means we could stay in bed all day." She says. I smile. She's so cute.
"We could or could hang out." She sighs.
"I don't care, anything we do will be fine." I kiss her forehead.
"Okay. What should we do first?" I ask.
"Change." She says. I remember what we did the night before and smile.
"I don't know, I don't mind this." I smirk. She playfully hits me and I smile.

She gets up. My eyes follow her. She's so perfect. She changes into a pair of short shorts and one of my shirts which completely covers the shorts. I get up and start to change. I grab my usual shirt.
"No stick with the tank top." She says.
"You sure?" I ask looking down to see if it really looks good.
"Yeah it looks good." She says. I put the shirt I have in my hand down.
"I'm trusting you on this one." She laughs and it makes me laugh.

I go up to her and hug her tightly. She melts into my arms.

"Y/n." I say. She pulls away to look at me. "I love you." I say. Fear of her not feeling the same runs through me. She turns red.
"I love you too." She says. Both relief and happiness fill me. I kiss her. She stands on her tippy toes but she's still short. I lift her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. I smile. She lays her forehead on mine. Her eyes glimmering into mine. I really do love her.

I set her down.
"Let's go get breakfast." I say. We walk out and sit down. I rest my hand on her thigh. She doesn't move it. I look at her and smile. She returns the smile sending sparks and butterflies through me. God this girl makes me feel some type of way.

(A.n: omfg this chapter... so ik they didn't use protection but don't worry she's not getting pregnant. Also I know the seggs scene was absolutely terrible, but I didn't know what to write and not wanting it to be awkward or cringy. So please lmk what you guys think.

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