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Months later

We're all sitting eating dinner. Gally's hand on my thigh. We're all talking.

We finish eating and Gally motions for me to follow him. He takes my hand and walks into the trees. I have no idea where we are going or what he's doing. We stop. I recognize where we are.
"Isn't this where we had our first kiss?" I ask. He smiles.
"Yeah." He says. I smile turning red.

"I wanna give you something." He says. I look at him confused.
"What?" I ask. He chuckles. He reaches into his jacket and pulls out a knife. He hands it to me. It's sharp and the handle of it is wood and has a dove carved out.

"It's beautiful. You made it right?"
"Yeah." He says. I smile. I hug him careful not to stab him or me.
"I love you." He says into my hair.
"I love you too." I say. We pull away to kiss softly.

———— Gally
I motion for her to follow me. Oh god why am I so nervous? I get to the spot.
"Isn't this where we had our first kiss?" She asks. I smile glad she remembered.
"Yeah." I say. She smiles blushing.
"I wanna give you something." I say trying to build up the courage.
"What?" She asks confused. I chuckle to myself nervously. I pull it out. I hand it to her. She looks at it.
"It's beautiful. You made it right?"
"Yeah." I say. She smiles and hugs me. I burry my face into her hair.
"I love you." I say.
"I love you too." She says and I kiss her.

(A.n: ugh it's so cliché but I promise it has a purpose.

Some time later
(Cause I'm lazy lol)

The builders had been building new things, and I can tell that Gally is stressed. We're in his hut. We are just talking, he's sitting on a chair and I'm on the bed. He's talking to me about how stressed he is.
"I think you need a distraction." I say. He looks up at me. I get up and walk over to him.

(A.n: okay guys the ones under the age of 8 leave!! It's about to get spicy.

I sit on his lap facing him. He smirks. I press my lips against his. He has one hand by my butt and the other on my back. I start to kiss to him passionately. I start to move back and forth unintentionally as we kiss.

I feel him get hard under me. I smirk at him. He looks almost embarrassed. I pull away. His hand lingers on me as I move. I fall onto my knees.

He looks at me confused. I reach over and unbutton his jeans. I pull them down enough to show it. It's big. I pull my hair back as I lean in and put it into my mouth. I start to suck slowly. What am I doing? I pull away and start to focus on the tip. Running my tongue over it specifically. I hear his shaky breathing. I can tell he likes it. I put more of it into my mouth, and start to suck. I move more to the base as I go. I gag. It hits the back of my throat. I deal with it and keep going. I look up at Gally who has his head thrown back and is fighting back any noise. It sparks me up, and I go stronger and faster. He lets out a moan.
"Y/n fuck." He groans. I pull away and smirk at him.

He grabs me by the waist and pushes me to the bed. I smirk, as we strip down. He kisses my neck and moves down to my boobs. He licks the nipples and it sends chills through me. I run my hand over his muscles.

I flip him over so I'm on top. I get onto his dick, and start to move back and forth. He grabs onto my thighs tightly. I start to go faster causing him to groan.

He grabs me and throws me onto the bed. He gets on top. He spreads open my legs and starts to go in. I moan. He goes faster than our first time. It feels good. My legs start trembling. I wrap them around his waist no longer capable of keeping them open. We go on for a while.

(A.n: that's probably the last one. I don't know how to feel but yeah

He plops down next to me. I roll onto my side to face him. He smiles at me softly. I run a gentle finger down his chest.
"I love you." I whisper.
"I love you more, Dove." He says pulling me close. I snuggle near him. He cover me gently in the blanket as we both fall asleep.

(A.n: IM SORRY!!!! It's the last time I swear.. also if you know me in real life no you don't. Let me know what you guys think.

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