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Alby wakes me up and takes me around to get a job. I end up choosing Med-jack.

At dinner I start walking trying to figure out who I'm going to sit with. I look around. Zander smiles at me. I smile back.
"Y/n." He say. "Sit over here."
"Okay." I say walking over and sitting next to him.
"Oh hey." Newt says to me sitting not far from us.
"Hey newt."
"So how was your first day?" Minho asks me.
"It went pretty well I'd say it went pretty well."
"What's your job?" Zander asks.
"Med- jack." I say.

"Which did you do worst at?" Ben asks.
"What? I don't know."
"I do." Gally says. We all turn to look at him.
"What?" Newt asks.
"Builder." He says throwing me a look. Oh great.
"Oh tell us more." Minho says.
"It was bad. I'm still shocked she still has all of her fingers." I roll my eyes. "She also almost broke the whole thing."
"You know Gally, if you ever come in with a broken bone I'll make it so it fixes crooked." I say. They all start laughing. He smiles while raising an eyebrow.
"So you can't do that right either?" He says. I look him dead in the eyes. I roll my eyes.
"Yeah that's exactly what that means." I say. They all laugh.

I finish eating then go to my room. I sit down on the bed and sigh. I don't know why but what Gally said was really bothering me. It shouldn't even bother me, but it did. After a bit there's a knock at the door.
"Who is it?"
"Me, Zander."
"Oh come in." He opens the door and steps inside.
"Come on." He says.
"We're all out here."
"Fine." I say.

I walk out and sure enough they were just hanging out.

We sit down and start talking.

(A.n: ok this chapter is REALLY short but idk what else to write, the best chapter is going to have A LOT so..... yeah

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