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(A.n: just a little disclaimer.. I'm so sorry I'm advance for this chapter)

The doors really aren't closing. We're all standing by it waiting, hoping that it closes. A noise come from behind. We turn around. It's the other doors around the maze opening. Oh no. I look over at Gally who's already positioned himself as if ready for battle.
"We have to split up." I say.
"I'm staying with you." Gally says. I nod.
"Okay we'll go this way." Thomas says.

A noise comes from the maze. It's a griever.
"Shucks." I hear Newt mutter. Gally grabs my arm as we start running. I look back and see these creatures. They're the grievers.
"Come in here." Gally says running over to the box as he starts opening it. I help him.

I jump in and he follows after. He closes it and looks at me.
"You okay?" He asks.
"Yeah." I say.

One of the guys run to the box.
"Gally!" He yells. "Y/n!" Gally runs to open it. As he opens it up a bit, a griever gets a guy. Gally immediately closes it. I stand there in fear.

"Hey it's going to be okay." Gally says. I look up scared. I can hear people screaming and running. I let myself back up and sink onto the floor.

Gally looks at me and runs over. He sits next to me.
"I'm right here." He says. I look at him as I wrap my arms around myself.
"I know. I'm just scared." I say.
"Are you cold?" He asks noticing my arms. I go to speak but he starts taking his jacket off. "Here. Take it." He says. I slip it on still in fear.

More guys run over at Gally. He let's them in.
"What's going on?" Gally asks.
"I'm not sure. I ran for it." One of them says.
"Last I saw was Thomas getting chased by them." Another says.

Gally looks at me.

After a bit we get out. Gally starts going somewhere. I follow him confused. Then I notice, Thomas. Oh shit.

Gally runs up to him and punches him.
"Gally!" I yell as I grab his arm.
"What the hell?" Thomas says.
"It's all his fault!" Gally yells. "Everything started going wrong the moment he got here!"

I look over and notice he's holding the needle thing.
"What are you doing?" Teresa says.
"I need to see if it's true." He stabs himself with it and collapses.

They send him to the pit.

Gally goes on and talks about how Thomas is the reason this is all happening. I don't know what to believe. I want to get out, but I don't want to go into the maze. I don't want to betray Gally, but I don't want to hurt them.

By now Gally has taken control. He told Thomas's friends that they could either join him or go with Thomas.

I walk over to where Newt, Minho, Chuck, Teresa and thomas are.
"What?" Thomas says.
"I don't know." I say quietly.
"Like I don't want to stay here, but I don't know." I say.
"Just come with us." Newt.
"I can't do that to Gally." I say.
"Then try to convince him to come with us."
"I suppose." I say looking down. "I'll figure it out." I say standing up and walking away.

I make my way to my hut. I'm not sure what I'm doing but I feel like I have to be here. I start looking around. I see the knife Gally gave me and I put it into my pocket.

After a while the door opens. It's Gally.
"Dove come on." He says. I follow him.
"Gally what's going to happen to them?" I ask.
"We're giving them up as offering to the grievers." He says. I freeze. He stops and looks at me. "No! That's completely wrong." I say.
"Everything is wrong because of them." Gally says.
"That might be true, but that doesn't mean they have to die. I mean, maybe they're right." I say.
"What?" He says with his eyes full of emotions.
"They want to leave, what if there actually is a way out?" I say. He looks down.
"You want to go with them." He says realizing.
"I might." I say. He looks down.
"Well I can't give you up as an offering with them, I wouldn't." He says looking at me. "Are you sure?"
"I can't stay here forever. We can't." I say.
"Okay." He says thinking.
"Come with." I say softly. He shakes his head softly.
"I can't." He says.

"Gally!" Frypan says. "It's time!"
"Shit." Gally mutters. "Come on." He says. We walk over. They all look at us.

Thomas and Teresa are tied up, and Thomas is unconscious. I look up at Gally pleadingly.
"What are you going to do? You're crazy!" Teresa yells.
"You shut up." Gally says. He looks down at me. I nod softly. He sighs.

"Let them go." Gally says.
"What?" Everyone says.
"If you guys want to go, you can. Wake Thomas up." He says. Thomas stands up.
"Who's leaving?" I say. Everyone looks at each other scared.
"I get that you're scared, I'm scared." Thomas says. "We don't belong here, this place isn't our home. We were put here, trapped here. Out there we have a chance." A few people start to walk over to his side.

"Are you leaving?" Gally says to me. I nod. He pulls me in close. I pull away to kiss him. "You have your knife?"
"Right here." I say patting my pocket. He nods. "Come with me." I say.
"I can't. Be careful." He says.
"I will." I say starting to tear up. He hugs me again. I breathe in his scent, the safety I feel in his arms.
"I love you Dove." He says. A single tear rolls down my cheek.
"I love you Gally." I say.
"Go." He says. I nod as I turn around and walk over to Thomas.

"Goodluck." He says to us all and he walks away. I wipe away the tear.

"Come on." Minho says. We all start running.

They give Chuck the key and I stay with him.

We see grievers and the guys start to fight them. One puts its leg next to me as it tries to stab me and I slice it's leg off with the knife. The feeling makes me feel powerful. I look over and notice the key about to roll off the edge. Teresa and Chuck are running after it. Chuck grabs it but almost falls off the edge. Teresa pulls him up.

More grievers start appearing.

I follow Teresa and Chuck as they open a door to a tunnel. There's an eight digit code. Thomas asks Minho for it. He starts saying it but then gets attacked by a griever. Jeff sacrifices himself to save Minho. Teresa types in the rest of the code. The doors start closing crushing the grievers.

The door opens and we walk in. Lights turn on. We open a door and walk in. There are dead people everywhere. A video starts playing. It's a woman dressed in white telling us that we made it, and how the sun scorched the world, about a virus called the flare. She says "wicked is good" then kills herself.

We start walking when a door opens. It's Gally. I'm happy until I notice he's been stung. He has a gun in his hand.
"Gally." I say. He looks at me. There is so much pain in his eyes.
"We can't leave." He says. He brings the gun up.
"Gally you're not thinking straight please." I say.
"Y/n please move." He says sounding like himself.
"Gally put the gun down." Thomas says.
"We belong to the maze, no one can leave." He says. He shoots and misses. I can see Minho's blade flying through the air. It goes straight into Gally's chest. He falls.

"No!" I yell as I run to his side. I cup his face.
"You're going to be fine." I say as tears roll down my face. He reaches out and brushes hair out of my face.
"I'm sorry." He says.
"No, no, no." I say starting to sob. "Hold on."

The doors open and people start coming in.
"Gally please." I beg. "Hold on."

"I love you." He says as his eyes close.

"No!" I yell. The men grab me and start pulling me. I kick and try to push. I yell but they don't let me go back. He's dead, and I loved him.

They throw me into a helicopter and I look out the window as I continue to sob.
"Y/n." Thomas tries. I say nothing as I keep looking out. He was my everything.

(A.n: ahhhh I'm not crying you are. I'm so sorry about this. No it's not the end, a lot more is about to happen. Please don't hate me for it lol. lmk what you think

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