Whats the kindest way to say: The end

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It had been about 3 months since John left at this point.

Dave was getting better, but he still missed his best friend. 'Best friend'. He couldn't lie to himself anymore.

Yesterday, 7:30pm

"Hey, Kark." Dave greeted his friend, walking into his house. "HEY DAVE. DIDN'T YOU COME HERE FOR SOME OF MY ADVICE BECAUSE YOU'RE STUPID AND CAN'T DO ANYTHING ON YOUR OWN?" Karkat asked, grabbing a can of Doctor pepper and sitting down on the couch with Dave.

"Yeah that's pretty much it." Dave chuckled a bit and there was a moment of silence. "How did you know you liked Ene?" He broke the silence. "WELL, HOW COULD I NOT LIKE HER? NOT ONLY IS SHE PRETTY BUT SHE'S HILARIOUS, EVEN IF SHE'S MEAN SOMETIMES." Karkat smiled, his fangs fully showing. "I REALLY LIKE ENE. BUT YOU JUST KINDA GET A GUT FEELING WHEN YOU LIKE SOMEONE, YKNOW? YOU'RE LIKE 'WOW, THAT'S MY DUMBASS.'"

"Yeah I get that." Dave looked off to the side. "...I think John might be my dumbass." He admitted. "WOW YOU'RE THE LAST ONE TO FIND OUT. CONGRATS." Karkat sipped some of his soda. "What do you mean?" Dave raised an eyebrow. "IT'S SO OBVIOUS YOU TWO LIKE EACHOTHER. ALMOST MAKES YOU WONDER WHY THE AUTHOR IS WRITING A FANFIC ABOU-

"Oh please! Wwe all knoww I'd be the first one to break the fourth wwall, not Karkat!" Eridan said, in present time.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP NO ONE LIKES YOU GO AWAY." Karkat hissed, also in present time.

"OH MY GOD CAN YOU LET ME FINISH?" She screamed and everyone was silent. She continued.

"-ABOUT YOU TWO." Karkat muttered the last bit. "I'm in love with John fucking Egbert." Dave realized. "Holy shit I'm in love with John Egbert." He laid down on the couch. Karkat sat on the couch arm.

"I KNOW, DAVE." Karkat pat Dave's head awkwardly. Dave rolled over so his face was in the couch. "Hef's so fucking pretth." Dave's muffled voice came from the couch. "I KNOW, DAVE."

He missed him so much.

John walked towards the Strilondes house, it felt like it had been years. He knocked slowly. "Dave!! Pizza is he-" Dirk started before turning his head and realizing who was at the door. "Was I supposed to bring pizza?" John asked, before getting tackle hugged by Dirk.

Roxy and Rose hugged him as well "AWW WE MISSED YOU, EGBERT!" Dirk smiled and let go of him. "I missed you guys too!" John replied, closing the door behind him. "Where's the fucking pizz-" Dave rubbed his eyes of sleep and then realized who was at the door.

"Hey." John smiled nervously. Dave stood there for a few moments before tears started falling down his face. He's gonna be so mad at me I'm such a piece of shit oh my go- John's negative thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of Dave's hoodie.

"I missed you so much you dork." Dave sniffled while hugging him. "I-I missed you too!" John smiled and hugged him back. "Remember how I said I was moving?" John let go of Dave, reluctantly. "Yeah?" Dave answered. "Well, we moved to Texas!" John goofily smiled.

Dave missed that smile.

"No fucking way! I gotta see your new room." Dave said excitedly. "I think you should put some actual non-pajama pants on first." John giggled. "Oh, right!"

Dave missed him so much.

He was happy to just be walking beside John, even if they were just friends. John opened the door to the house and they walked up the stairs. "Well, here it is!" John opened the door to his room. It was just as dorky as his last one.

TNT: Trauma, Nutting, Tears (kagestuck)Where stories live. Discover now