The party is just starting

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song recommendation: Way down we go- Kaleo

Autumn POV:

I wake up and find myself still sitting in the tree. Slowly I climb out of the tree and lower myself to the ground. 

I quickly bind my hair together in a messy ponytail and look down to my long T-shirt. I decide to tuck the shirt a little in my shorts.

My whole body feels stiff and when I start walking I feel that my legs are burning from running hard last night.

With a sigh I keep walking in between the trees. The trees give me a familiar feeling of home. Even though I don't know where my home is because I can't remember anything else than my name and a face that is burned in my mind.

After a while of walking I arrive at the open place where I was found. I look around for something but not sure what I am looking for. Clues maybe?

My heart starts beating faster when I hear footsteps approaching and just in time I hide myself behind a big tree.

While I am praying they keep walking, they are discussing where they should look next.

'Pan is not going to be happy if we come back without her'.

'She is good at hiding but the little brat will show up'. 

Pan. Little brat. The words echo through my mind as I hear them walk away. Carefully I step away from the tree and silently trail their footsteps. 

Autor POV:

As the hooded boy and the short one walk into the deeper parts of the woods, one of them notices that someone is following them. He starts walking slower.

'What is wrong Felix?', the short one asks.              'She fell for the trap', the hooded boy answers.

They went to the open spot for a reason. For some reason Felix knew she would be around there. Predictable. He knew that his words would make her curious and most likely follow them. 

And he was right.

He started walking faster. The girl that was not far behind them got trouble keeping up with them, until at some point she lost them.

Now she was trailing around trying to look for clues where the boys could have gone.

She was about the give up when she heard someone talking.

No not talking. More like yelling.

'You lost her', the unknown voice angrily stated.

'Yes but I don't think she is that far away'.

Autumn POV:

Realisation hit me. He set me up. He knew I was there. I felt that I was getting angry. But not at the hooded figure. At myself. I was smarter than that.

Quietly I turned around. Trying not to make a sound I walk away, when suddenly I feel two pair of hands wrapping around me. One on my mouth to make sure I won't scream. The other one on my stomach, pulling me close to whoever is behind me.

'You're not leaving now, the party just started', I hear someone whispering in my ear.

It's him. The tall hooded boy.

I feel how I get picked up. I try to struggle out of his hold but I don't have the strength, so I decided to save whatever is left of my strenght. Maybe I have to use it later.

                                                                                                      ✵ ✵ ✵

'We have her', the hooded boy shouts. I noticed that the other boys quickly gather around us. 

'You can put me down', I firmly say.

'Whatever you say little brat', he chuckles as he throws me on the ground.

He did not really throw me hard but I feel that I am getting angry. 'Well thank you for your good manners'. I make a mocking bow and turn around to face the other boys.

'What are you looking at', I snarl at the a boy that is giving me a dirty look.

I hear a chuckle behind me and see that it is the guy that kidnapped me here.

'Something funny?', I ask while turning to him.

The moment I asked that I feel a foot in my back causing me to sumble forward onto my knees. A few laughs are coming from the boys around me. Slowly I get up and turn around to see the boy that kicked me.It's the same boy that gave me that nasty look. A nasty smile is plastered on his face and his eyes looking at my chest.

'My eyes are up here you dummy', I say putting my finger under his chin, causing him to look into my eyes.

'Don't talk to me like that', he spat. 

I feel myself becoming even angrier. I take a step back. Let's not cause trouble right now.

'That's what I thought'.

That's it. Fuck reputation.

I quickly form a fist and lash out. Right on the nose of the boy that decided to make fun of me. He stumbles back a bit dumbfoundedly. 

I hear the other boys around me murmuring, while I let a smirk show on my face. Something I shouldn't have done because it made the other boy only more angry. It caused him to lash out to me to.

He hits me in my stomach and fold double. I sit down on my knees and see that he tries to lash out again.


As fast as he formed his fist, as fast as he dropped it again.

The boys in front of me part and let a boy with brown hair and a bit of an attitude through.

'What is going on here?'

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