"The only way out"

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Before I get this chapter started. I just wanted to say that this chapter is kind off based on the Pirates of the Caribbean film(s). 

The films really inspired me and I love the theme. So have fun reading.

Also, the storyline will change between Amir and Autumn to keep things better :)



song recommendation: Formidable - Stromae

Amir POV:

 "Hello stranger."

I take a good look at the woman before me. I don't even notice how I am under water. She trails around me and I follow her movements.     She just floats there, her tail curls just under and back, her hair swirling all about her head.

A siren. I've heard of them but there was no proof they existed. Rumors go that they only live around places with dark magic. So wherever I am right now. It ain't good.

I finally take a look around and see nothing but water.

"I'm Nimea", the stranger tells me.

"Amir", I mouth to her.

I look down to my feet on a ship. "What is this?" I let my lips form the words.

"You took over the curse", she tells me easily. Her lips never move but yet I can hear her talking. "Curse? What curse. I wanted to go to Neverland."

"Did you use a book?"

"Yes. Faith would take me to my desired destination", I tell her and feel the ship slowly moving towards the surface.

"No. It took you where you had to be. And that is here. Bound to the ship."

Before I can say something else my face breaks the surface. I let my eyes get used to the light. The water washes of me like it has never been on me.

I walk towards the edge of the ship, looking at the siren. "I don't get it. Am I to stay here forever?"

"You are until someone else takes the curse over or lifts the curse."

"How do you lift it?" I asked her, losing hope.

"I don't know. No one has ever lifted it", she responded, "but I do know that you don't die. You can't walk on land, but you can breath under water. You are a pirate now. You have to sail until the end of times."

I stumble back dumbfoundedly. I am so caught up in the story I do not notice men walking up to me.

Well not men. They probably have been under water for so long, they became part of the sea. Shells on their faces, seaweed for hair.

"I have to leave. I have to see my sister. Her name is Autumn. I need to know she is safe."

"She will be safe as long as you don't get her involved", the siren answers

"Hello captain", I hear one of the men that just walked up to me say. I snap my head in his direction. "Captain?" I ask him.

"Ah I see the confusion. We are your crew. We will be with you on your journey to freedom or doom."

"Great. Thank you. What is your name?" I politely ask the man. "My name is Matheus sir."

"Okay Matheus, do you mind leaving me alone with the lady?"    "Of course sir", he gestures the other men away. 

"No on has ever called me lady", I see her cheeks go red and she stutters. "Well you are", I tell her and jump into the water, just next to her. She is right, I can breathe.

She takes my hand with her hand. Her hand looks like a claw, sharp nails that could kill you by simply moving them. Together we swim deeper. We circle around eachother. An impossible dance.

We stop at a point and I see how dark it is here. The only thing I can see is her. Her blue eyes that have me pinned, her smile full of danger, her hands still holding onto mine.

In this moment, I felt like my heart was visible outside of my chest, that if she wanted to, she could grasp it between her fingers and take it away with her.

And I wouldn't even mind.

Nimea POV:

He has just shown up but I am already intrigued by him. His dark brown eyes, his brown curls. I could stay with him forever.

"We will make sure you get out of the curse. We will find you sister, Amir."

I see his eyes lighten up. "Thank you Nimea, you are too kind."

"You are the first to be polite to me, so I will do you a favor. I know one day you will return it."

"Captain", the shouts are heard from above. He smiles at me one last time and lets go of my hands before swimming back up.

I dissappear into the blackness of the sea.

A few days later

Amir told me about his sister and how much he cherished her. He also told me how he wanted to go to Neverland.

A thought appears in my head. 

I quickly swam to Neverland, wich is pretty close. The night had fallen but I could still see perfectly.

And that's when I saw her. She looked just like Amir. Same brown hair, same sweet and loving eyes.  Dagger in her hand, determinded look on her face.

The night went by fast and I realized that I felt determinded to bring the duo back together. I wasn't sure how to because if I told Autumn she would get caught in the curse.

When morning fell I bid goodbye to Autumn and swam back to Amir.

"I found her Amir. She is alive but stuck too. Just like you."

"Where is she?" I can see the hapiness on his face. "She is stuck in Neverland. She can't leave because Pan won't let her." I let out a deep sigh.

"What's wrong Nimea? What aren't you telling me?"

I carefully choose my words, trying to show him the nasty situation she is in.

"Her only way out is death."

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