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song recommendation:  Nature Boy- Acoustic- AURORA

Author POV:

While everything was happening on the island, Nimea and Amir comforted eachother. Neither of them spoke, their presence was merely enough.

Amir was on watch most of the time, peering towards the beach, hoping to see a glimp of his beloved sister.  Nimea looked at him in silence, but her mind was racing. She was terrified. She didn't want to lose either of them. She knew that Amir wouldn't leave her although her mind was yelling something else.

Matheus walked up to the Siren, whispering in her ear: "Don't worry dear. He won't leave. And if he does, return to your mother Ocean She will welcome you with open arms and take away your pain."

He squeezed her arm and walked away again. She looked at him, her eyes full of understandance. 

She heard someone whisteling a song. It was Amir.

He was also lost in thoughts and was rocking himself back and forth. Nimea stood next to him, wrapping her arm around his shoulder. It was an inventation for him to rest his head against her chest.

They stood like this for a while.

Amir POV:

My head resting against her. I whistle the song I used to whistle to Autumn. It always made her smile. I hear Nimea's  heartbeat and it makes me feel safe. Sun is almost setting when I see a silhouette on the beach. I recognize it at once and rush myself out of Nimea's embrace.

"It's her. It's Autumn", I call out and point towards the shore. Nimea followed me. I turn to her as she speaks up. "I will go and get her."

She takes of the amulet, hands it to me and with an elegant bow she jumps into the water. I see her legs turn into a tail. I turn to Matheus. "Sail a little closer to shore."

"Yes captain."

I see that Nimea is getting closer to the beach, her figure clear in the water. But as we go closer the waves get more intens. Suddenly the weather changes into pouring rain. I am startled by lightning. The sky goes white for a second and I see the lightning strike a tree behind the duo on the beach. They get down and I call out Autumn's name. 

She must have heard me calling out her name because she is now looking up, meeting my eyes. I am too far away to see her expression but I see her tug the sleeve of the boy next to her.

"Sir this is the furthest we can go", Matheus calls out, his voice barely loud enough because of the rain. 

"Now it is up to Nimea", I yell back, not expecting a response.

Autumn POV:

"Flynn look. It's him", I yell, pulling his sleeve. "Flynn?"

I turn my head to the boy. The blood has been drained from his face. His eyes are looking around. His body is trembling like a little scared bunny.

"Autumn the weather. It's too rough", he yells back, his voice also trembling. I want to respond but I see something swim up to us.

"Nimea", I call out, sprinting towards the water. Her head and shoulder come up. She sticks out her hand. "Your brother is here Autumn", she says. She doesn't have to yell at all for us to hear what she is saying.

Flynn is now also standing next to me. His hand is in mine yet again. "We have to wait until the storm clears, there is no way we can go up to the ship", Flynn shouts.

There is another sound near us. I turn my head to see where it's coming from. A small pixie is  flying up to us  It's not the same pixie as before. This one has black wings. She is almost getting dragged away by the rain.

I hold out my hand and she sits in it. She doesn't speak but I think we can all hear her. "I can help you out of here. You have been gentle with the other pixie, a good friend of mine, so now it is time to return the favor."

She flies out of my hand and in a single second she changed from small to average size. I now see that she is not much older than Flynn and me.

She waves her hand and a small, clear bubble appears around the three of us. "Go to the ship. Tell the captain that the arrival is soon", the pixie tells Nimea, who turns around and swims to the ship.

"What is this", Flynn asks with big eyes, pointing towards the bubble. "It's for my wings sweetheart, so they don't get wet.  It is also going to help you fly."

"Fly?", Flynn and I call out at the same time with the same astonishment. 

She giggles. "Yes. Fly."

With another wave of her hand she brings up the bubble. We are now high above the beach and start heading towards the ship. It isn't easy and the wind is not helping at all. After a while we manage to arrive at the ship.

The pixie lowers us onto the ship. The bubble breaks and before me is Nimea. I look her up and down. "You have legs", I stammer.

She chuckles. "Yes I have legs because of this", she says, pointing towards the amulet around her neck.

 A loud cough is heard from behind the Siren. 

"Oh yes", Nimea turns around, making a wide gesture with her arm, pointing towards the person behind her.

I know who it is right away but my mind refuses to believe it. I carefully walk up to him and he does the same. But after a few steps I run into his arms. He is soaked by the rain and so am I but it doesn't matter. I am home.

I let the tears of joy stream over my face. I feel how he kisses my head. "You're back", Amir whispers to me.

"Yes. Yes I am."

Author POV:

While Autumn and Amir are caught up in their embrace, the pixie makes a big bubble around the ship, blocking out the storm.

Flynn walks up to her and nodds his head. "You have beautiful wings", he tells her.

The woman smiles. "Thank you."

"I am Flynn."  He sticks out his hand. "Morgana," she tells him, putting her hand in his. Instead of shaking it, he brings her knuckles up to his lips and places a small kiss on her. "Pleasure to meet you", he says as he lets go of her hand.

She pulls her hand back and responds. "The pleasure is all mine."

The siblings have let go of eachother. "Autumn I am under a curse."

"So am I", the sister responds, looking down.

"You can't leave, I know. I can never touch land and will sail until the end of times. All because of the Time Curse."

"What if I take over the curse? What if we share it?" Autumn asks.

"Are you crazy? Absolutely not", Nimea shouts. Flynn nodds his head in agreement.

Everyone has gotten so caught up in the conversation that they don't notice how the Lost boys with Pan as leader are sneaking up on the ship.

"We have a guest", on of the crew members shout, gaining everyone's attention.

"Well well. Brother and sister reunited", Pan says, crossing his arms.

His snarky comment results in a few knifes and swords pointed at him. He smiles at Autumn who is being pulled back by Amir so that she is now standing behind him.

"Calm down. It's just a talk. Nothing more", he responds with a chuckle.

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