'His rules'

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song recommendation: These boots are made for walking- Nancy Sinatra.

Nimea POV:

I drag her lifeless body to the shore. I reach the point where it is shallow, meaning I can't swim any further. I push her onto the sand, so she isn't that far in the water. 

I look at her. Her eyes are closed and it looks like she isn't breathing. Her skin has gone pale, this makles the freckles on her nose stand out. Her lips are slightly purple from the cold water. I grab her hand and whisper her name.

Suddenly her big brown eyes open and lock with mine. She coughs up some water while slowly sitting up.

"Easy stranger, it's going to be fine", I tell her, my hand still holding hers. She doesn't take my hand but doesn't pull away either.

 We sit like this for a while.

Then she suddenly strangles her fingers into mine. I see her eyes fill up with sadness.

"I had a brother Nimea, but he left", were the words that came out of her mouth, "I remember him."

I will never leave Autumn. I will always be here.

Autumn POV:

Nimea is laying in the water before me, looking at me with warm, loving eyes that make me feel wanted.

"I had a brother. His name was Amir. We had a good life with our parents. We were very different except  our looks. He was about two years older but yet he looked like my twin. I was the good perfect daughter, always helping out and always listening. He also helped, but he wanted to see the world together with me. He taught me how to fight, how to take care of myself. He would always tell me about the world. I knew he wanted to leave, I just never thought he would actually leave me behind."

I feel tears coming up but I blink them away. His first rule: never show tears, no matter what.

"The day he turned 19 was the last day I saw him. He got into a fight with my parents. I have no idea what the fight was about. He came to me, telling me about a place where he could be young forever. Neverland. He looked happy about going so I didn't stop him. He kissed my forehead and went out the door.

"I couldn't even spend 2 days without him and my parents didn't even bother to look for him. So I took faith into my own hands and decided to try to get to him.           This is where the memory ends for me. I don't know how I got here. But I do know that he isn't here and I think he might have never even reached this place."

Nimea squeezes my hand softly. "Maybe he ended up somewhere else, somewhere way better", she says still looking into my eyes, "he might even be waiting for you. I am sure you will find him as you are strong Autumn."

Behind her I see the sun coming up, shining upon her. It makes her look like an angel.

"I wish we could stay together like this stranger, but we can't", she says with a hint of sadness in her voice, "I will help you in any way but for now we have to separate."

"I know Nimea", I say while giving her a kiss on her hand, "I will always be grateful for you, never forget that."

I get up and start walking to the forest again. I turn around and wave at the beauty that is now swimming away from me.

I put my hood up and walk towards the camp. 

Author POV:

When Autumn jumped off the ship, no one noticed the brown haired boy standing at the beach. What are you doing princess? He doesn't see her coming back up. "So she doesn't have the fire after all. How sad", he said before turning around, not seeing that his beloved princess just got saved by one of the most unreliable creatures of the island.

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