The Time Curse

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Song recommendation:  In Your Arms- Chef'Special

Author POV:

Minutes passed and turned into hours.

Hours turned into days.

Most of the days Nimea and Amir spent together. Just the two of them. Nimea's words about Autumn hung in between them, but always unspoken.

They kept dancing under water. Their faces close, but their hearts even closer.

Word goes that Sirens don't love, Sirens only care about destroying men. False.

They care. They really do.

And Amir was the first one to experience that.

This night they were, like most nights, together. Amir's hand on her waist and his gaze getting lost in her deep blue eyes. She guided him in circles, never leaving his side.

At one point she rested her head on his chest. Amir's other hand holding hers, reminding Nimea of the time she saved Autumn. Everything was peaceful until she heard someone call her name in the distance. Autumn.

Nimea lifted her head and pushed her forehead against Amir's. "Your sister called for me."

"Go to her. It's okay, we will dance later", he responded with a genuine smile on his face. But the truth was he didn't want her to leave. He wanted to keep dancing with her. If he really was stuck until the end of times, he wanted to spend every moment with her.

But she let go and swam off, leaving him alone with his thoughts.  So Autumn remembers me but doesn't know how close I am to her. I wish I could reach her, hold her, stroke her hair like I used to. I wish I could be her brother again.

He reached back for the surface and in the blink of an eye, he was back at the ship. "Matheus?"Amir asked the elder man infront of him.

"Yes captain?" Matheus responded, smiling, barely any teeth left. "Is it possible to go to Neverland?"

"Only if you have a magic bean sir", the man responded, "but magic beans are rare, sir."

"I will do whatever is necesarry", the guy responded, his look full of determination. "Sail out to the closest town. We are going for a hunt men."

"But sir, you can't walk on land", Matheus said, his smile slowly fading. "I know. I have a plan."

And off they went. On the hunt.

Meanwhile Nimea was on her way to Autumn, excitement ran through her body, thinking of her first human friend. Only this time it went different. When she arrived, she noticed another presence.

She stuck her head out of the water, peeking at the tall guy next to Autumn. She immediately recognized him as Pan's companion.  If I show myself, he will tell Pan about us and that will be the end of me.

"Sorry Autumn", the Siren whispered before swimming off, but meeting the girl later.

After explaining and meeting her friend, she swam back to the place she had left Amir, only to find the spot empty.

Nimea POV:

I feel myself becoming anxious, I look around. He is nowhere to be seen, just like the ship. For the first time an unknown feeling washes over me. 

A feeling that someone hit me on the chest, ripped out my heart and crushed it without me ever noticing it.

He left me.

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