"I will avenge you"

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song recommendation for this chapter:  Control- Halsey

Small TW: blood

Author POV:

Autumn woke up with a gasp. Her eyes shot open, finding herself in a dark room. She wiped the tears out of her eyes. It was just a dream Autumn.

Except it wasn't a dream. It was the truth what she had seen, just whispered into her mind. 

She sat there, thinking to herself for a few moments. And after a while the girl got out of bed, wearing only the same long T-shirt she wore when she arrived. Her feet bare and her hair loose. She walked out of the tent towards the trees. The grass tickling her feet.

"Sneaking off are you?" a familiar voice sounded.

"I needed some air. Don't babysit me please."

"No worries princess I will let you go", Pan said, his voice nothing more than a whisper.


"After you tell me what the dream was about."

"I would rather call it a nightmare", Autumn said, avoiding his gaze. "It was about Quill", she continued after he didn't answer. "I know you told me to get over it, but I can't Pan."

Pan walked up to her and she stepped back. "I'm not gonna bite you", he said, stepping closer again.

This time she didn't move and just let him get close. Their faces were close but they weren't touching.

Pan stuck out his hand, placing it on her shoulder and closing his eyes. She followed his movement and also closed her eyes. It happened in a single moment, magic.

He showed her what she had needed to see and after that, he stepped away from her with his eyes open. He studied her for a moment. She looked innocent but mostly, she looked broken. More broken than the night she killed Quill. 

He wanted one thing. To fix her.

But she didn't need fixing for she is not broken. She is simply lost on her way to the ending of her story. 

Autumn POV:

I feel the wind on my face as I find myself in an alley.

There he was. Quill. He looks younger, around fourteen years old. His hands covered in blood and on his face, a wicked smile. in his hand, an axe. Behind him I see multiple people laying down, their stomach sliced open. Women and men. "Now where is my mother?"

"I am here love", a voice sounds from behind me. I turn around and see a beautiful woman. Her blonde hair not blowing from the wind but seeming to embrace it, to twine around the very air and move with it in an impossible dance. A worried look on her face. She looked much like Quill. "Was this really necessary son?" the dissapointment sounded in her voice.

"I needed to find you mother. I needed to see you."

"No Quill, I am not capable of taking care of you. I told you to stay with your father."

"He's dead mother. I killed him for our sake", he said, looking into her eyes with pride.

"Our sake? Quill you are sick in your head. You need help", the woman said, her eyes filled with tears. "I don't need help. I just need a mother", Quill shouted. "I killed these people because of you. I don't care that you are a witch. I need you mother. Dad was nothing but a drunk coward."

"This is going too far love. You are starting to look like me and I can't handle that."

For a moment there was nothing but silence. Until one of the men on the ground raised his knife and threw it towards the mother. It ended up in her stomach. "Goodbye Quill."   with those words, she left in a bright white light.

"No mother", the boy cried out before slashing the man's throat. His face turned dark, so dark that a shadow was nothing compared to his look. "I will avenge you mother. I promise."

I open my eyes and feel the tears streaming down my face. I look into Peter's eyes. His genuine look has returned. 

"He was beyond saving, Autumn. He wasn't even broken or lost. He was just wicked. If I could help him, I would but there was no way", his voice sounds soft.

I have so many things to say but the words are stuck. "Peter why did you show me this", I ask the boy, who now raised his hands to my cheek, wiping away my tears. "Because you had to see. You had to see that you did the right thing."

His hand is still resting on my cheeck. I put my hand over his. "Thank you Peter. Goodnight", I say smiling and turning around. Back to my tent.

The night goes by but sleeping isn't an option for me. In the morning I put on my black blouse with black trousers again. I braid my hair into two tiny braid for as far as it's possible.

"Autumn you up?" I hear a voice outside my tent. "Yes Flynn I am up and you can come in."

In a second Flynn is in my tent. "Wow you look terrible."

"Thank you pumpkin, I hadn't noticed", I fire back before dragging him out of my tent. 

"Well well look who is finally up", I hear an annyoing voice. I turn my head to the person that just said it. The annoying boy that likes to mess with me. The nasty smirk.

"You hated me from since day one. Why?"I ask him while stepping closer. The boys around us tense up.

"Because you don't belong here. You are like a spreading disease you can't get rid of. You are geting too involved", he says, his face full of disgust. "I may not belong here, but atleast I try to fit in. I try to help. All you do is depend on others", I tell him before letting my fist hit his face. 

Right away I feel how one of his friends grab my elbows and pull me back. He is too strong for me to get out of his grip. The nasty boy infront of me lashes out and hits my temples. My vision goes blurry but I feel him hitting my stomach.

He hits my face again, this time with something sharp. I feel a stream of warm liquid drip down my face. He gives me one last blow and everything goes black.

Author POV:

Flynn ran of to Felix the moment he noticed things were getting out of hand. "There is a fight and things are vile."

Felix didn't hesitate and walked to the group. "Out of the way."

He saw how one of the boys lashed out with a ring around his hand. He saw Autumn collapse. "Stop it", he said with a stern voice and walked up to the girl, picking her up in his arms. He saw the blood on her face and the bruise on the side of her face.

Pan walked up to the boys. He saw Autumn in the arms of Felix and behind the duo were three guys standing. A guilty look on their face told him enough. "You three are going to the pit. Felix put her in my tent."

Felix walked to Pan's tent with Autumn who was still knocked out. He placed her on his bed and pulled out a piece of cloth. He soaked it with water and wiped the wound clean.

She now had a long wound from her cheekbone that ended at her nose. He traced it with his finger, immediately being reminded of his own scar. He didn't know she was awake. 

He kissed her forehead and walked out. 

"You will be fine Autumn."

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