"Whatever you say"

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song recommendation: Overwhelmed- Royal & the Serpent

Autumn POV:

I feel a warm kissed pressed onto my forehead.

"You will be fine", I hear Felix say before he leaves the room. I decide not to open my eyes and let everything was over me.

Here I am again. Blacked out, having others take care of me. When will this end?

I open my eyes and I see Pan walking in. "Couldn't you bring me to my own tent?"

"No Autumn. I need to talk to you. How long has he been bothering you?" he asks while sitting down on the bed next to me.

"Since the beginning but it didn't bother me. I can handle things myself you know", I respond, not looking at him. I raise my hand to my face and feel the wound on my cheek. I quickly sit up, my hand still on the wound.

"It doesn't look like you can love", he snickers when he sees my reaction.

I get up and walk toward the exit but he is faster. He blocks the exit. "Talk to me Autumn. Stop running away from me."

"You want me to talk? Fine. I want to leave the island because you and most of your boys are straight up rude for something that wasn't even my fault. I am not welcome here. So why stay?" I say, slowly raising my voice. 

"How can you say that? We take care of you."

"Sorry for the mean, awful, accurate things I said", I respond, looking straight into his eyes. I see hurt for the first time ever.

Out of a sudden I feel a tiredness wash over me. I try to push Peter out of my way so I can walk outside but he stops me.

"We're not done talking", he says. I keep trying to get past him when he finally lets me. But before I can reach the exit of the tent my legs give up. Before I can hit the ground I feel two hands wrap around my waist, trying to get me stable.

I sit on my knees, panting. "I don't need help Peter. I can manage."

"No Autumn. Let me help you. You can't do everything alone", he tells me before wrapping his hand around my waist and places one of my arms around his neck. He is basically dragging me back towards his bed.

I struggle back but after I realize he won't let me go, I decide to just rest. 

He turns my chin towards him and studies the wound. He puts up his hand like he is going to touch it but before he is able to I slap his hand away. "Don't even think about touching it."

His usual wicked grin comes back on his face and he lets go of me. "Get some rest. And stop resisting", he tells me before he walks out of the tent.

I close my eyes and Nimea's face comes into my mind. Before I know it I fell into a deep sleep.

Author POV:

Pan walked out of the tent towards Felix talking to Flynn, who has a worried look on his face. "Is she alright", was the first thing Flynn asked when Pan joined them.

"She just needs rest. But there is something else. Micha was wearing a ring right?" Pan asked the other boys.

"Yes he was, why?" Felix responded.

"I suspect there was dream shade on it."

Felix let out a long sigh and looked to the ground. The other boy looked rather confused. "Dream shade?" he asked, confused.

"Dream shade is a sort of poison. She can die if she doesn't get treated for it", Pan explained to Flynn while an idea was forming in his head.

Felix noticed this. "Pan whatever you're up to, just help her."    Pan chuckled at his words. "She doesn't want our help, we might as well let her figure this one out. She is smart after all isn't she?"

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