She was right

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song recommendation:Dandelions- Ruth B

Felix POV:

I left her tent without a word. She was lying. No mermaid could be trusted, they are vicious. But the look on her face was sincere when she talked about the creature. 

Moments passed and the night fell. I am sitting by the fire sharpening my weapons. From the corner of her I see Autumn talk to some of the guys. She has a soft look on her face and her eyes lock with mine.

I see the questions in her eyes. I quickly look away but her words are flooding into my mind again. She is a mermaid.

Pan stands up and sits beside her. I look at the whispering pair. Pan had a genuine look on his face and the girl returns this look. 

I feel a nasty sting in my chest. I should believe her. She wouldn't lie to me. 

Later that night I decide to give her a chance. I put my hood down and walk towards her place. She walks out of her tent. "Here to make fun of me?"

"No we need to talk. I want to see the person that helped you. You trust her so I should give you a chance."

"Wait really?", she sounds surprised.

"Yes. I have to know for sure."

"Okay lets go", she says with a grin on her face.

We are walking towards the beach. Autumn is walking infront of me and I study her tall figure.

The sea looks calm. It's waves are not strong and the moonlight reflectes on it.

 "We're here", she says while taking out she shell.  She whispers something into it. "Now we wait."

And we do. We wait for minutes but nothing happens.

I turn my face towards hers. "Are you sure?"

"She always comes", I see sadness in her eyes. I take her hand for a moment. "I believe your words."

She looks at me and turns around. "I'm going back to camp. I'm tired", her voice sounded strange in night.

I walk in the same direction but decide to turn around once more. 

And that's when I saw her. The Siren

Her eyes stared at me darkly. Her face expression was filled with the same darkness.

Is this really the one? The one Autumn was so calm about?

Author POV:

The walk back to camp was quiet. When they arrived the girl immediately went to her tent.

Felix wondered for a little longer. He decided to let it rest, Autumn probably didn't want to talk about it.

                                             ✵ ✵ ✵

Two days have passed since Autumn won the fight with Pan.

Nothing had happened and she mostly helped the other boys out, avoiding Felix' gaze.

It was early in the morning and now she was standing with a boy that was maybe one of two years younger than she is. His name was Flynn. He had short ginger hair. His face was covered in freckles and he always had a smile on his face. Not a creepy smile, more like a helpful smile. 

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