"You got this."

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song recommendation: Dynasty- MIIA

Autumn POV:

I look at Flynn whose expression looks like he is a child in a candy shop. He is so determinded to get me out of here. I wonder why.

I want to ask him but we arrive at camp and we are split up by multiple guys walking towards us. I see Felix stride up to me. 

When he is close to me, he grabs my arm and pulls me away from everyone else. "What is your problem?" he hisses to me. 

"What is MY problem?"  I ask him, pulling my arm away, "I'd rather ask what your problem is. You have no reason to act this way towards me."

"And you have no reason to disappear with Flynn. I thought something happenend to the two of you", Felix claims, his eyes full of fire.

"I needed some time Felix and I needed to tell Flynn about everything. You can't always be worried about me", I snap at him.

I see Felix step back in defeat. "Sorry Felix, I didn't mean it. It's just this world. It's driving me crazy."  I take his wrist and he lets out a small hiss. I look down at his wrist to see the poorly wrapped bandage. "Well it looks like I can't leave you alone for a few moments", I smirk at him. 

He pulls his wrist back, turning his face the other way. "Pan was testing me and I fell for it."

I let out a sigh. "Go sit down on the log."

We sit down next to eachother and I pull his wrist on my lap. I can feel his hands shake when I pull the bandages off. "Please keep still."

I see his wrist turned a bit purple. "Pan did this?" I ask in shock. A feeling of anger washes over me. So far for taking care of his boys. More like using them for his fun and not caring at all.

"Well I did it to myself", he says, giving me a small smile. "But Autumn you have to be carefull. Someone is on the island for you and Pan will not let you meet them under any circumstances."

"Wait what do you mean someone is here for me?" I stop putting the bandage on and look at him, "do you mean the ship that is here?"

Felix doesn't respond right away. He looks deeply sunk into his thoughts.

"You saw the ship?" He asks after a while of silence.

"Yes. Flynn said we had to get to it", I tell him but I hesitate a bit before continuing, "he said it was my only way of the island." I finish the bandage and he pulls his hand back, giving me a nodd of appreciation.

"No you can't leave-"

"I know Felix. But Flynn seemed to have forgot about that part and I couldn't bare to tell him."

"Autumn listen to me. Your brother is on that ship together with your mermaid. He is looking for you but can't reach you. I think he is under a curse. Pan will use adventage of that."

It takes me a moment to realize what Felix just said. My brother. Amir.

"Thanks Felix."

Without any other word I jump up and walk over to Flynn, now pulling him apart. "What's wrong?"

"My brother is on that ship." I tell him everything that Felix told me about two minutes ago.

"But that's great. That means you can leave with someone safe", Flynn says, full excitement. "Wait did you not hear anything I said? And why do you want me to leave anyway?"

Flynn goes quiet. He looks down, his face now full of guilt. 

I know it.

"I am not the only one who wants to get out of here am I?"

Flynn shakes his head. "I remember my parents. They were one of the most sweetest people you will ever know, but Pan convinced me that they didn't take care of me."

Now it's his turn to have tears strolling down his face. "Oh Flynn sweety." I pull my arm around his neck and hug him. I rub his head when he let's cries out. "Shh, we are going to leave don't-"

But before I can finish that sentence someone interrupts us. 

"Why would you want to leave?"

 I turn around to face Pan, smug grin on his face, arms crossed.

"Because this is hell Pan. You treat your boys like they are your pets. You promise them paradise, make them abandon their family. But in the end you aren't even better then those families. You are a monster."

"Well we are all someone's monster Autumn. And don't act like you are a saint, making everyone feel sorry for you so they can help you leave", Pan says, coming closer to me.

"You know what? I may not be a saint but at least I don't act like one."

"I liked your fire in the beginning princess but you are stealing my boys", he says, nodding his head towards Flynn who is holding onto my shoulder.

"I never meant to steal your boys I just can't help that they need what I gave them. I gave them attention and I actually listened to them."

Pan was now very close to me. I could see the anger in his eyes but his smug smile gave nothing away. 

I step even closer to him so that our noses almost touch. I feel Flynn grab my hand and squeeze it as a sign that I should leave the situation.

"You are not leaving Autumn. And neither are any of you", he says, turning to the rest of the boys. I see how none of them look directly into his eyes. "Not over my dead body."

"Over your dead body?" I hear Flynn say. I turn my head to see him step next to me, sword in his hand. "We might have to try that one out."

I am confused in the change of him. 

"That's quite the shock", Pan says, looking Flynn up and down," you can kill me. The island will die and so will she", he continues, pointing to me. "She is bound to the island, bound to me."

I feel nauseous out of a sudden. Flynn turns his head to me. "This is true isn't it?"

"Yes. Yes it is."

Author POV:

A silence comes down to the camp. Flynn has lowered his sword and Autumn stepped away from Pan. Felix looked in silence.

In just a few moments it seemed as if the forest went darker. The trees not letting in any light, making the scene even intenser.

 No one dared to speak up. The other boys tried to ignore what just happened but could no longer ignore it when Flynn raised his fist and let it hit Pan's face.

Pan stumbled back and in that moment Felix stepped in and took Autumn's wrist, dragging her away yet again.

Autumn accepted this and let him drag her away. She noticed Flynn ran after them.

They walked until they saw the beach. Here Flynn caught up with them. Pointing towards the ship, Felix finally spoke up.

"Meet up with your brother. Figure out how to break out. You got this Autumn."

He planted a kiss on her hand and walked back into the forest, leaving the duo.

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