Chapter 15

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2 month time skip brought to you by potatoes.

3rd P.O.V

It was graduation day and Marinette and Chloe were getting ready to move on to the next chapter of life when Mari suddenly got sick, once again. She rushed to the bathroom and hurled up what she ate this morning and wiped her mouth. This had been going on for about a few weeks and she was growing tired and confused by it. After that all happened the two girls continued to get ready by getting their cap and gown on and doing their makeup. After they were ready to leave they got in Mari's car and drove to the school.

Time skip to after they all walked and graduated from high school by Chloe saying, "Rediculous Utterly Rediculous™".

The two girls were invited to the Wayne's for an after party to celebrate them and Damian graduating. So they went to Marinettes house to get their outfits on.

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(Whichever one you want, you decide)

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(Whichever one you want for Chloe)

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(Whichever one you want for Chloe)

After they were done getting dressed they went to the manor. After they got to the manor . . .

Marinette's P.O.V

Alfred opened the door as we walked up to the door and let us in. After we walked to the main room we were greeted by the Wayne brothers rough housing with each other. Me and Chloe gave each other the look as if saying 'boys' y'know that look. And I cleared my throat and raised an eyebrow. They looked at us as if they were deer caught in headlights and scrambled to get up and greet us.

After we played games and I crushed everyone on video games we went to the table to have dinner. Bruce then asks, "So what are you lady's going to be doing now?" Chloe said that she wanted to go into law and government things and I said that I would just continue my business. After a bit more talking we went home and I got my stuff ready for an early doctors appointment for tomorrow to see why I've been throwing up.

I couldn't believe it, I stared at the paper in surprise, confusion, happiness, and sadness. It said it right there, I . . . . . was pregnant and I wasn't 100% sure how.       

(AN, once again sorry not sorry for the cliff hanger, but I hope you enjoyed the chappie. I didn't edit this so I hope it's not to bad. This was the last chapter of this book and the second one is on it's way and should be out in a little bit. Well not a real chapter just one that introduces the story but it's so people can save it to get the notification for the first chapter.)

Ladybug Moves to Gotham (Daminette)Where stories live. Discover now