Chapter 5

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Marinettes P.O.V
Marinette your partner for the project will be Damien was all I heard in my mind for the next minute but I snapped out of it. It was in History and we were doing The French Revolution with partners. Great(notice the sarcasm).

It was the end of class so I went up to Damien and asked,"What should we do about the project?" He looked at me and said nonchalantly,"TT, My butler will pick us up after school, we can work on it then." I nodded my head and smiled then walked off to lunch.

As I was walking around trying to think of where the cafeteria was when someone ran straight into me. The person stumbeled before falling backwards. Before she could hit the floor I grabbed her arms. She stood up and said sorry repeatedly with her eyes to the floor. I stoped her by saying,"It's completely fine, I do it all the time" with a smile. She looked up and smiled back and said,"Thank you for catching me!" I replied,"No problem, by the way can you show me to the cafeteria I'm a bit lost?" She said,"Of coarse, I was headed there just now. Oh, my name is Alegra!" "Hi Alegra, my name is Marinette it's nice to meet you!"

As we got to the cafeteria Alegra said,"You can sit with me and my friends for lunch." I just smiled and nodded my head.

Alegra brought me over to what I assume is her friends table and recognised some of the faces from my classes. I sat down at one of the empty chairs and everyone turned to my and smiled. Then one by one they introduced themselves. There's Daniel, Felix, and Adam for the boys. Clair, Stephanie, and of course Alegra for the girls. They said they also had one more guy friend but he was busy at the time.

Time skip brought to you by Tikki eating your cookies! Still Mari's P.O.V

It was the end of the day and I was going down the steps of the school looking for Damien. I spotted him at the bottom of the steps looking at his phone. I had already told my Aunties that I was doing a project at a classmates house so I was good to go. As I walked to the spot next to him I said,"Hi!"

Damien P.O.V

It was the end of school and I was waiting for Marinette (Yes he said Marinette not Fu it's important) all of a sudden a voice says,"Hi!" I quickly turn to see the face of an Angel. Wait did I just use the word Angel to describe Marinette no, Fu. I said to her,"My butler should be here soon."

In the next chapter

Marinettes P.O.V


(Just so you know this is most definitely just my imagination so if I get characters attitude and etc. differently it's because I'm writing the story how I want, same with just the story in general.)

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