Chapter 2

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Marinette P.O.V
I opened my eyes to see three faces all turned towards me. I looked at myself to see if I was still transformed and luckily I wasn't. I looked back to the faces and noticed I knew them from somewhere. "*GASP* Your Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy and Cat Woman!" (She said this in English because she knew they were in Gotham) They nodded their heads in suprise. (In surprise because they heard the French accent) They looked at each other before Harley spoke to me,"Hey sugar would you like to come with us so we can talk, you look like you need to release pent up emotions." I just nodded my head because if I spoke I would cry.

3rd P.O.V
The three rouges took the petite girl to their shared apartment and they talked on the couch. They learned that her name was Marinette and what has happened in her life. What they didn't know was that there was even more that Marinette wasn't telling them.

Harley P.O.V
I was shocked at what came out of Sugars mouth and I could tell Ivy and Seliena were too. I hugged her and asked,"Would you like to stay with us?"

Marinette P.O.V
After I explained that I was bullied emotionally and physically for years, my parents being killed, and everything else that has been happening to me over the years excluding everything Ladybug-wise  everyone looked shocked. Then Harley asked me,"Would you like to stay with us?" I stared at her then looked at the others and they nodded their heads in agreement. I shouted,"YES!" And tackled them in a hug crying tears of joy and sadness.

(BTW whenever there is bold and there are parenthesis it means that it's an A/N, like this. Also the picture isn't related to the story but I thought it was funny!)

Ladybug Moves to Gotham (Daminette)Where stories live. Discover now