Chapter 7

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Mari's P.O.V

We were in Damians room almost finished with the project when there was a knock on the door. "Dinner is ready" the voice which I recognised as Alfred said. I looked at Damian and asked,"Should I leave then?" "No, knowing Alfred he has already set a place for you at the table." I just nodded and started walking towards the door.

As we got to the table all heads were turned towards me. (I forgot to mention that she changed into one of her original MDC outfits.) Dick, Jason, and Tim shouted at the same time,"Is that a MDC original?!" Startled by their outburst I squeaked and flinched. Dick awwed and commented about how cute and short I am. I flushed a red that could easily surpass the color of my suit and said,"Yes this is a MDC original." They squealed and Jason said,"We've been trying to get commissioned ever since Jagged introduced her as his honorary niece!" I replied with,"Oh, here are my business cards. I didn't know I was even known in America." I paused as I noticed they had their jaws dropped. Tim suddenly fainted and Jason shouted,"You're MDC?!" I shyly nodded and noticed had Damian sat down so I sat down at the other only available spot.

After the three brothers had sat down a big man stated,"I'm sorry for my son's actions." I just shook my head and said,"It's not a problem at all. Oh, I forgot to introduce my self I'm Marinette D-uh-Fu!" Phew that was a close one! Nice save Mari!

3rd P.O.V

As she was thinking this she wasn't able to notice the shared look the family gave each other. After that Bruce said,"Well Ms. Fu I'm Bruce Wayne and I'm sure you've already met my son's." Mari nodded and said,"It's a pleasure Mr. Wayne and please just call me Marinette." "Alright, but please call me Bruce."

Time skip to after dinner brought to you by Plagg destroying the dinosaurs in extreme tag

Mari's P.O.V

After dinner I say goodbye to the family and Alfred dropped me off close to my house. I went inside and said to my aunt's that I wanted to explore and release stress the "Ladybug way" which means swinging around. I went to my room and transformed, the suit felt weird so I went to the mirror. What I saw made my jaw drop, it was amazing!

(Imagine it looks sort of like this but the white/gray is a dark red color and the cape is shorter and is split in the middle like wings *wink *wink) I stare in wonder and Tikki says "This is your new suit, it upgraded since we're in a new environ...

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(Imagine it looks sort of like this but the white/gray is a dark red color and the cape is shorter and is split in the middle like wings *wink *wink) I stare in wonder and Tikki says "This is your new suit, it upgraded since we're in a new environment and a very traumatic thing happened." I replied with an ok and opened the window.

I stopped swinging and landed on the tallest roof in Gotham and looked out. It was a breathtaking view and I think I was going to love living here. All of a sudden I felt multiple people behind me, I wouldn't have know normally but with all the years of being ladybug I could feel them.

(Sorry I haven't updated lately, I was on a writer's block and I went on multiple vacations. I'll update again soon! Here's some funny things to look at in the mean time)

Ladybug Moves to Gotham (Daminette)Where stories live. Discover now