Chapter 13

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Lila P.O.V

What is that stupid Mari-whatever here, I'm supposed to earn the Wayne's favor and get the fortune! Ugh whatever, she better not interfere with Adri-honey or the  Wayne's, otherwise she will pay *insert her best try at an evil smirk*.

Marinette P.O.V

As I got pulled into the alleyway I saw a very familiar ring glint in the light 'So Adrien is trying to do something'. As soon as he turns me around he trys to forcefully kiss me. B!tch hell naw! I stomp on his foot, kick him where the sun don't shine, and take Plaggs ring off his hand all in two swift motions. I then walk off to the store to get Camembert to feed Plagg.

After I got home and talked for a while with Plagg I decided to see if the dresses ad suits needed anything done. After everything was finished I went to bed trying to fall asleep.

Time skip to the Wayne Gala brought to you by Jason saying "So I'm was sitting there bbq sauce on my titties".

Marinette P.O.V

As I walked into the Gala arm and arm with Chlo the whole class was glaring at us. Probably because I didn't make their outfits and they had to spend a lot of money on what they got last minute. Which wasn't good because everything that had some resemblance to good quality had been bought. Oops, not my fault they are all b!tches and I'm amazing💅. As I inwardly laughed I didn't notice Lie-la smirk at me.

(Just imagine Mari in whatever dress you want her to be in, the votes were tied for these two.)

As Bruce finished his speech about colaberating with MDC he said, "Well since she is in this room and we have talked about it and she approved, can MDC come up?" I heard Alya whisper yell at Lila, "Gurl you didn't tell me you spoke with Bruce Wayne, you should hook me up with a interview after you go up there!" I just smirked as I went up to where Bruce was standing and smiled widely.

After I was done with the speech Dami came up to me and we started to talk. He suddenly grabs my hand and asks, "Would you care for a dance Marinette, it would be my honor (Zuko?) to dance with such a fine lady." (I know it's ooc but I'm the author so yeah) "It would be a pleasure", I reply as I curtsy. Just as we were about to go on the dance floor Alya storms up to me and raises a hand to slap me. As I get a sense of Deja Vu Dami stops her hand and glares at her. He demands, "Why do you think hitting my Angel will solve any of your problems." Alya sputtered trying to form a sentence that would warrant an explanation. "Well she pretended to be MDC when actually my best friend is!" Alya finally manages to get out. As I look at Dami he looks calm but in his eyes is a raging fire.

(I just realised I never said but when Damian is talking to the Parisan group he is speaking French.)  

Love you guys and thanks for all the support! Also if you have any questions make sure to comment or DM me! Have you ever written something and then you forget that you wrote it and your like "Oh I wonder what happens next! Oh wait I decide that, lol

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Love you guys and thanks for all the support! Also if you have any questions make sure to comment or DM me! Have you ever written something and then you forget that you wrote it and your like "Oh I wonder what happens next! Oh wait I decide that, lol."

Just so you know there will be a book 2 and I already have a plan for it.

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