Chapter 4

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Marinettes P.O.V
The boy that walked in (I assume is Damien Wayne) comes toward us with a scowl on his face. I noticed as he was walking over that his aura was dark and tainted. "He should have been dead" Tikki said in my head. I thought back to her,"Tell me later." He then states in a bored tone,"I'm here Mrs. Smith." "Hi Damien can you please show Ms. Fu around since she is new and is in all of your classes." She says in more of a statement than a question manner. He noded and takes the paper I didn't even notice she had out, looks at me and says "Come" and walks out. I follow him out of the office and marvel at the interior design of the school. I think to myself I could make some designs out of this!

Damien P.O.V
I walked into the office and saw a new person by Mrs. Smith desk so I walked over and said,"I'm here Mrs Smith." She replied,"Hi Damien can you please show Ms. Fu around since she is new and is in all of your classes." I nod and take the paper she had and looked at the girl and said,"Come."
I walk out and notice the girls eyes roaming around the school then flicker over to the shadows. She also walks silently and walks behind me, I decide to test her reflexes and stop walking. She side steps and stops while looking at me. I just continue walking and showing her around the school while thinking hmm interesting.
By the time we are done with the tour it's fourth period which is Science class. I tell her,"This is our next hour which is Science, this is where I leave you, you should know the way around school by now. Bye Fu." I walk in leaving her by the door.

Marinettes P.O.V
As Damien went inside the classroom I think to myself he was pretty attractive but his mood is awful to say the least. I suck in a breath and walk in the classroom and smile.
I go to the teacher and say in my best English,"Hello I'm Marinette Fu the new student." I internally cringe that I still have a heavy accent but shake it off. The teacher looks at me and says,"I'm Mr. Conning the science teacher, you can sit by hmm Damien."

(Hey peeps just so you know Mari can speak many languages, you will know later in the story. Also the picture up top is another photo I thought was funny!)

In the next chapter

Marinette P.O.V
Marinette your partner for the project will be Damien.

Ladybug Moves to Gotham (Daminette)Where stories live. Discover now