Chapter 8

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Mari's P.O.V

I said while turning around,"I know your here you can come out now." I could feel the surprise coming off of them as Batman stepped out of the shadows. "All of you." Soon the whole Batfamily was stepping out of the shadows as I raise a brow. Not that they can see under my mask and hood.

Batman demanded,"Who are you and what do you want!" I get this feeling of familiarity around them but it's right on the edge of my brain. The human traffic light threw a batarang at me and shouted "Answer the questions." I caught it between my pointer and index fingers and said,"I'm Red Guardian and I'm exploring the city." Nice one Mari! I thought to myself.

While this was happening Red Hood said,"Dang Demon Spawn slow your roll." I overheard and it sudenly clicked. I gasped as the human traffic light cone scoffed,"No names on the field Hood." I whispered,"You guys are the Wayne's!"

They all somehow heard and faced me abruptly at the same time, some shouted "Who are the Wayne's" "How did she find out" "NO we're not" while others just stayed silent and watched.

I just chuckled and pulled out my yoyo and started swinging it. They got in a defensive stance and I threw it at a building and swung away from them. As soon as they got out of their state of shock they followed me.

I landed on another roof top as I thought they stopped following me but I was soon surrounded by them. I got in a defensive stance and said,"I don't want to harm you I just want to leave." I could tell that they didn't believe me and that they didn't trust me with their secret. I released my yoyo and swung it at a place higher above me so I could swing away but Batman hit it with a batarang so I knew I couldn't swing away.

I remember Tikki saying something about wings so I took the chance. I ran to the edge of the roof and jumped off. I was approaching the ground fast but I thought of myself flying through the sky with wings and soon I felt the different air flow and opened my eyes. I was soaring above the smaller buildings, my eyes were probably like saucers because it was so amazing.

I could feel them getting closer to me again so I waved my hands in front of my eyes and the glasses appeared I shouted,"Kaalki full gallop!" I transformed again,"Voyage." I went through the portal and landed by the couch in my aunt's house and closed the portal then detransformed. I flopped on the couch with a sigh of relief and almost past out then and there.

I sighed and went to my room, I changed and went to bed thinking about all that happened today. I couldn't sleep so I rolled over and an idea hit, I smirked and brought out my sewing machine and fabrics.

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