Chapter 6

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Marinette P.O.V

It's beautiful I thought as I pull out my sketchbook. It would make a nice design for Clara's new dress she wants me to make!

After a few minutes of driving we pulled up to this giant mansion and Alfred dropped us off at the front. I hid my shocked face and looked around.

Once again I was hit with inspiration and whipped out my sketchbook. After I finished I saw Damian staring at me so i quickly said sorry and put it away. He just rolled his eyes and started walking to the door.
Somehow Alfred opened the door, how did he get there so fast? Oh well.

3rd P.O.V
The two walked in and Mari tried to hold back a laugh at what they saw. It was Damians brothers sort of having a dog pile? Tim was trying to reach his coffee while Jason was holding it above his head, meanwhile Tim was standing on top of Dick while trying to get the coffee.

Maris P.O.V
I tried to hold it back but,"HAHAHAHAHA!" I doubled over laughing and the brothers all looked at me in shock.

Then one shouted,"Demon Spawn brought back a girl!" They rush over to me and and start fireing questions like, "Who are you" "What's your name" "How long have you been with Demon Spawn" "Are you guys together" and similar things. Then Damian tugged me to the side and said plainly,"TT. She's just my partner for a school project."

They all sighed dejectedly then someone said,"Anyway my name is Tim-" he got caught off by,"I'm Jason the best person you will ever meet!" Then,"I'm Richard but call me Dick." "Hi my name is Marinette Du I mean Fu" I replied.

After that all happened Damian started up,"C'mon Ange-Fu." (He was going to say Angel BTW) He started walking up the stairs so I said bye to the three brothers and followed after him.

(Edited: Also Jagged, Penny, Clara, and Chloe know that Marinette is in Gotham, only Chloe knows exactly why.)

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