Chapter 11

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Time skip to a few weeks later

Mari's P.O.V

It's been a around a month and a half since I moved here and it's way better than Paris has been for years. Right now Queenie and I are at the mall window shopping but I am super hungry so we are headed to the food court. We hear screams and run towards the sound just to see the Riddler and his goons blocking exits and making everyone get down. I am already hungry and have a headache and his suit is not helping that, so I am extra annoyed. I notice the very person annoying me looking at me. I growl out,"What!" And he orders to the goons at his side to get me. They charge at me and (insert fight scene where Mari beats and knocks them all out). I then see the Riddler walking towards me in the corner of my eye. I subtly get ready for an attack but he just says,"Young lady for every riddle you get right I will let one of the civilians go, but for everyone you get wrong one will die." I nodded my head, I had to get this done and over with so that everyone will get out safely and I can get my food.
"What goes up and never down" "Age". "What is 31 long, once a year, has no 'M', and will always be there" "January on a Calendar". As I kept getting them right I could feel him getting angrier by the second. I could finally feel the presence of the Bat Fam so I charged at the Riddler much to his surprise. I knew the Bats would get the civilians out safely so I started to take care of the person with the  hideous outfit on.
After I easily finished knocking out the Riddler I tied him up with the zip-tye I created. I could feel the the Bat Fam watching me so I started looking for Queenie. Once I caught sight of her I grabbed her and booked it out of the mall just as they were approaching me. First off I didn't want to deal with their questions or the Police's. It's a good thing she had all of our bags, we shoved everything into the back of my car and jumped in. I was still hungry and now tired so I went to Starbucks and got a nice big coffee and got some food for on the way home. I dropped off Chlo at her house and went back to mine.

Time skip to a few month's.

3rd P.O.V

As the months went by Marinette and Damian have gotten closer and she started hanging out with him more. Her birthday passed and Damian got her a silver necklace that had an Angel pendant on it and now she wears it wherever she goes. Now they both are at school in their first hour.

Mari P.O.V

Me and Chlo were just chatting when the teacher said that a class from somewhere in the world would be coming for a week in a few days. I just hoped that it wouldn't be my old class of sheep because with my luck it might just be.

Time skip to the day the 'mysterious' class comes

Mari P.O.V 

It was at the beginning of the school day and it was the day the class comes. I was outside of the school talking to Chlo when a bus pulled up. Out came the very class I wanted to avoid the rest of my life. "Those *insert lots of swear words in multiple different languages*." Both me and Queenie said at the same time. I then went to go by turning around just to run into a soft firm wall?! I looked up to find emerald eyes looking into mine questioningly. Damian then said quietly,"You will tell me about all that later." I nodded my head when I heard a shrill, "Marinette!"

In the next chapter

I winced and turned around to find . . .

A/N I just published the first chapter of my One Shot book go check it out! Love you my Angels! Also when this story gets 25K views and 500 votes I will do a QnA (is that how you say it)!

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