Chapter 3: Meeting the Phantom

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At the request of the mysterious Phantom, I went back to the school. It was late and doubts came to my mind that I would even be able to get inside. I've never done anything like this before. What if I got busted? I could say I forgot a book I needed for homework. To my surprise, the gate was cracked open. This was too convenient...

I slipped inside. My ears picked up organ music. Closing my eyes, I followed the music to an opened door. I instantly searched around. No one was in sight. I ended up in the auditorium. The stage was lit with candles. It was set up for the phantom's lair. There was man dressed in black with a cape. The music stopped playing as I got closer. My body paused from taking another step. He turned to me, then turned back to the organ. It was the phantom. I realized that my body was slowly walking towards him. Before I could start walking up the stage steps. He stands up. Stopping once more, his eyes met mine. His soft eyes. They could put me under his spell once again.

He straightened up and walked over to me. He silently holds out his hand. I take it as he lifted me onto the stage. Chest to chest. My heart was racing. Who was this mysterious phantom? "I will not hurt you Krissy." My mind was flooding with questions. He gently led me over to the bench and let me sit. He walked over to the other side of the stage. "You tied Jack up. Why?" The question blurted out of ny mouth. Unabkw to arop my curiosity. He slightly turned back to face me.

"Do you care about him that much?" He seemed surprised that it was the first thing I asked.

"No." I quickly got out. "I just want to know..." Why would that be the first thing I ask? I could have asked him so many other things, but I didn't.

"Well, we couldn't have done that amazing performance today, could we?" He was right. Rex said it was like opening night almost. "Why did you show up and not sign up?"

"I did. Mandy..." My mind went back to her hurtful words. She always wanted to be better than me.

The phantom snapped me out of my thoughts with his laughter. "Oh, our little Coletta wanted your part, I see. She wouldn't have worked well with me, I'm afraid. Her voice just doesn't hit the notes like you do." He started making his way back over to me.

"You don't have to be in costume. Since it's just us." I whsipered softly. Almost stumbling over my words. I really wanted to know who was hypnotizing me. Sending chills down my spine and secretly had me begging for more.

"And reveal who I am this early? Afraid not my angel of music. The suspense is going to have to kill you." He sat down next to me. My eyes immediately went to his. He smiled at me. "Want to practice this scene?" I nodded, not even speaking a word. I wanted to stay near him. Almost like I was under his command. We stood up together, his arm around my waist. My breath was shortening in my chest. He was already singing. My eyes never felt his.

Slowly, gently.

Turn your face away...

Abandon the light of day.

And feel the night.

The darkness of the music of the night.

Let your mind start to journey into a strange new world.

Leave all thoughts of life you knew before.

Close your eyes and let your spirit start to soar.

I closed my eyes and waited for him to finish his note. I slowly opened my eyes. His face was really close to mine.

Only then, can you belong....

To me.

Without a second thought, he kissed me. This wasn't part of the scene. But I didn't push him away. I let him. My arms were around his neck. The sound of keys jingling broke the moment. I opened my eyes. A security guard was standing there. "No one move!" He shouted at us. The phantom pulled me close. The guard freaked. "Hey! Don't do anything dumb!"

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