Chapter 18: The End

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Cameron smirked. "I see you didn't come alone as I asked." He pointed the gun at my head. I silently waited for him to pull the trigger.

Trent rolled his eyes. "You still think this is a fucking game? If you really wanted to die, you would have killed her already."

Cameron glanced back at him. "You see that closet over there?" Both of them looked at it. "Someone's father came home and found me. He's been in there for the last hour." My heart sank. Dad...

He carelessly aimed at the closet and shot three times. My whole body started shaking. "NO!" I screamed. I started sinking to the ground. A river a blood came out from underneath the door. Cameron yanked me to my feet, pointing the gun at my neck. "HE WOULD HAVE HELD US BACK! YOU DON'T NEED HIM!" I swallow my sorrows away. Trent pulled the cloak back. "ENOUGH! LET HER GO!"

He looked down at me. I was too scared to move. There was nothing i could do that would make him stop. Cameron has finally lost his mind. Trent pushed the gun into his head. Cameron just seemed amused by all this. "Go ahead. Soon as you kill me, she dies as well." His grip was tight against my arm. A high pitch sound made everyone go quiet. Sirens. Heading our way. Cameron glared at Adam. "Didn't I say no cops as well?"

Adam raised his eyebrow. "Trent was the only one I told. I never called them."

Trent groaned. "You shot someone in the closet three times. There are neighbors that probably heard them you fucking idiot." Adam chuckled under his breath. Trent glanced over at Adam. Cameron looked down at me. Within seconds, too much happened. Adam sprinted over and pulled the gun away from me. I fell to the floor. Trent shot him in the leg. Cameron screamed. His gun went off and hit the lamp across the room. Banging came to the front door. "POLICE! OPEN UP!" Cameron head butted Adam, sending him flying into the coffee table. He whipped around and fired at Trent. He laid there, not moving. I tried to crawl over to help but a hand grabbed my ankle. Cameron stood over me. "Last chance Krissy. Love me or join your father." My hands tried to reach for the leg of the couch. He pressed his foot onto my back. It felt like he was crushing my body. "ANSWER ME!"

He moved his foot and forced me to stand. My eyes beamed at him. "I could never love a monster." The front door came crashing down. Cameron wrapped his arm around me and pointed the gun at my head. A couple policemen came in, guns drawn. "DROP YOUR WEAPON!"
Cameron smirked at them. "I SAID DROP IT!"

Cameron laughed. "I'm not going back to that hell hole. If you come any closer, she's dead." My eyes picked up movement behind me. I ignored it and watched the policemen. They stared at us. "LAST CHANCE. LET THE GIRL GO!"

The gun got closer to my face. "She's going alright." He started squeezing the trigger. A gun went off. My whole body froze for a few seconds. I didn't feel any pain. Cameron's body dropped to the floor. The gun fell out of his head. There was a cop standing behind us. Cameron started choking on his own blood. He glanced up at me. "You'll always be... my angel of music."

Wiping my tears away, "We were never meant to be. I will do my best to forget about you and the terror you caused to my friends and family." He started coughing. I stood there, refusing to move. I wanted to make sure he died this time. Cameron's body started shaking. A cop came over and tried to pull me away. I pushed him away. Cameron coughed again then he got quiet. His head hit the floor. The light left his eyes. A sigh of relief flew over me. He was dead this time. I rushed over to Adam. He was sitting up. His arms wrapped around me. "Are you alright?" I nodded. A couple cops helped Trent to his feet. I was confused. "Didn't you get shot?"

Trent took off his shirt. "My dad is a cop. He gave me the bullet proof vest." The bullet was resting on the vest. A cop looked at him. "I know. I need to go to the hospital to get checked out."

Adam kissed my head. "He called his dad and had the police waiting down the road for his signal." A cop walked over to the closet. He opened the door. It was empty. I raised my eyebrow. "Where did..." On the door, was a bag of blood. A few more crime scene workers showed up. Adam and I were escorted out of the house. Trent was loaded up in the back of an ambulance. The chief of police came over. "We are glad no one was hurt. We contacted your father and he's on his way."

A crime scene investigator walked up to the chief. "The blood in the closet is an animals. Chicken to be exact." They walked back into the house. A black body bag came out of the house. I grabbed Adam's hand and squeezed it. It was finally over. He was dead.

Two months later...

Graduation day came. Everyone was glad that high school was over with. Adam, Trent and Amy sat next to me as we took a photo. Amy and Trent were going to the east coast for college. Adam was going to the mid west. I decided to stay and go to a community College. It was hard for Adam to leave me. He wanted to be a doctor. This was the best school for him to go to. Little did I know, this would be goodbye. It wasn't long before we broke up. Adam didn't have the money to travel back and forth. Plus he had little time for friends or a girlfriend in that matter. It was great while it lasted. Dad and I moved to a new house. Mom's picture was hung in the main entrance. All the photos we had of her were hung around the house. She would always be in our hearts. Dad traveled less and worked from home. I talked to Amy almost every night. Her and Trent were still going strong. I was happy for them.

After everything, it was good to be single for awhile. I sat on my bed, studying. My phone started going off. Glancing at it, it said private caller. I ignored it and continued studying. A knock came to the door. Dad stood there. "Dinner is in the oven whenever you're hungry." I nodded. He pointed at me. "Don't stay up too late." He winked at me as he went back down stairs. My phone went off again. It was the same caller. I ignored it and went back to my notes. Not a minute goes by and the same person calls again. Rolling my eyes, I answered it. "Hello?" It was nothing but static. I hung up. I texted Adam.

Hey are you trying to call me?

Before he broke up, his phone was acting up really bad. He was saving up for a new one. His text came through. No. I got my phone fixed last month. Everything okay?

I replied back to him. Just some idiot probably trying to prank me.

My phone starts to ring. Same caller. I quickly answered it. "Listen, whoever this is, stop calling." Nothing but static. I hang up. This person was getting on my last nerves. Another text came through. I have been meaning to text you for awhile. I miss you. Its not the same without you in my life. I've been too scared to say anything. You're probably dating someone else by now...

I raised my eyebrow. Actually I'm still single. Things would work better if...

A knock came to my door. I looked up and dropped my mouth. Adam stood there. His hair was short. Freshly shaved. Wearing his favorite leather jacket and jeans. He smiled at me. "You're dad let me in." I stood up and walked over to him. His arms wrapped around me as I hugged him. "I was just about to tell you things would be better if..."

He cut me off. "I'm moving back. I ended up failing a major test. I guess being a doctor isn't meant for me." He shrugged sheepishly. His fingers ran down my face. "You can break my heart now and tell me you're taken."

Shaking my head, I smiled. "I can be in a few minutes if you just ask." He laughed. He kissed me. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I enjoyed his kisses. My phone started going off again. We pulled away. Adam walked over and grabbed my phone. "Is this the person bothering you?" I nodded. He answered and put it on speaker. It was nothing but static still. We waited a few seconds. A voice came through. "Krissy... Krissy..." I gave Adam a blank stare. I had no idea who it was. The next sentence, made me want to crawl under my bed and never come out again. "That's all I ask of you..."

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