Chapter 32:

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"It won't be that bad!" Clarion smiled at Milori. "They might kill me." Clarion rolled her eyes, "They might not believe us." Milori raised his eyebrow, "They have no reason too." Clarion and Milori had gotten bored and decided to tell the ministers they had broken up. They stopped outside a meeting door and Milori looked at Clarion. "What do we tell them? Do we just act awkward?" Clarion looked puzzled for a moment also, "Uh, I think so?" Milori shrugged and was about to open the door when Clarion grabbed his arm and stopped him. "We can't walk in together!" "Well, I'll go in first." Milori walked through the door out of sight. Clarion waited a few moments before walking in herself.

When she walked in all the ministers were giving puzzled looks from their seats. "Why didn't they walk in together?" Red whispered to Snowflake. She shrugged her shoulders, "Don't ask me." Clarion walked over and sat at her head table seat. Milori and her didn't make eye contact. "Can we start now?" Clarion asked in an emotionless voice. "Yes," all the ministers answered, all except Milori. They all began discussing business matters. Redleaf asked Milori, "How many baskets are needed?" Milori answered, "I'm not sure. Ask Queen Clarion." Snowflake looked up at Milori, "Why don't you?" Clarion heard thay question and immediately started to think, "Milori, make up a good excuse...." He managed to not make eye contact with Clarion while racking his brain for excuses.

While in the middle of thinking, Sunflower asked, "Yes, why aren't you two all happy and smiling at one another?" Milori sighed and plainly stated, "We broke up." Everyone in the room went dead silent. Clarion furrowed her eyebrow and looked up at Milori for a spilt second. Everyone in the room started bursting out with laughter. "I'm sure!" "Oh please. Stop the joke." "That's an idiotic thing to say." Everyone was laughing amongst themselves. Clarion rolled her eyes and slightly laughed. Milori smiled and shook his head. Snowflake managed to regain her composure, "Did you really expect us to believe you?" Clarion and Milori both let out a defeated sigh. "You didn't believe us, even just for a split second?!" Clarion asked looking at everyone. "No!" everyone answered at once.

"I told you, luv!" Milori beamed, "What gave it away?" Hyacinth answered, "Clarion didn't have tear stains. You should've seen her after you two were separated." Everyone nodded in agreement, even Clarion. "Oh...." Snowflake added, "Also, you weren't moody for no reason." Everyone started laughing. "I was not!" Milori defended. "You were too!" Snowflake argued back. Clarion smiled, "Just our emotions gave it away?" Everyone shook their heads no. "You two only walked in a second after one another," Redleaf told them. "You looked at eachother and smiled slightly," Hyacinth added. "We are all forgetting! After a hundred years of them being separated they still loved each other. They wouldn't be breaking up now!" Snowflake pointed out. Clarion slightly blushed, Milori sheepishly smiled. "Okay, okay, you all have very good reasons to not believe us," Clarion admitted. Milori smiled up at her, "Wait, we aren't broken up, right? Just for clarification."

Clarion smiled at him, "No, Milori. Not today." "Not tomorrow. You know what? Not ever," Milori added on. All the ministers started laughing at Milori's cheesy flirts. Clarion was holding eye-contact with him while they both smiled. "That! Right there!" Sunflower exclaimed. The confused ministers looked towards her. She was pointing at Clarion with one hand, and Milori with the other. "What, Sunny?" Clarion asked. "That's what gave it away also!" she said not giving away any details. "English, minister," Milori sarcastically commented. Snowflake rolled her eyes, "No, Milori. Lets have her speak dutch." Milori smirked back, "Ik zie geen reden waarom niet." Everyone had a raised eyebrow at him. "Since when can he speak Dutch?" Hyacinth asked. "Since, my arrival day," he answered. "It's not fair! You can speak 6 languages! I can speak 3!" Snowflake complained. "Jealous of just my 6? Clarion can speak every language," Milori smiled. Snowflake cursed under her breath before slumping back.

"Let's not get carried away. Sunflower, please continue." Sunflower smiled. She stood up from her seat and flew over so she was hovering over by Clarion. "Look at Lord Milori," Sunflower ordered politely. Clarion looked confused but, surely looked towards Milori. "Admiring me?" "Never," Clarion snarked back with a grin on her face. "There! Right there!" Sunflower exclaimed pointing to her eye. "That's what gave it away! The twinkle in your eye every time you look at him!" Clarion blushes slightly and looked down. The ministers all looked at Clarion. She looked up slowly, then back towards Milori who was studying her also. "Oh....Okay, I see it," Hyacinth agreed. "Me too." "Me also." Milori was looking at her far longer than he should've. "She looks gorgeous like always," Milori stated plainly.

Clarion smiled at him, "Thank you." Sunflower flew over so she was hovering by Milori. "Please, look at Clarion." "Don't have to ask me twice....or once..." Milori smiled at Clarion. "You are really corny," She informed him. "I like being corny," Milori shrugged. "I never said I didn't like you being corny," Clarion responded. Usually the ministers would have interrupted them talking but they were all focused on Milori. "There! See!" Sunflower exclaimed. "He has it too," Hyacinth commented. "Who wouldve thought," Snowflake said. Reldeaf leaned back in his chair, "I thought they were faking for the obvious reasons. Sunflower, you really thought this through." Sunflowers mouth dropped open, "You haven't noticed this before!? I notice it every time!" Clarion and Milori both started laughing slightly. "You stare at my eyes everytime?" Clarion asked. "You sound like Milori," Hyacinth as well as Snowflake said.

"That's a good thing," Milori smiled at her. "No. It isnt," Snowflake responded. "I would rather die than sound like him," Redleaf commented. "You always want to die," Hyacinth said. "Redleaf, you might want to be the one acting like me. I have a beautiful girlfriend way out of my league, you are in the friendzone with....well Snow!" Milori stated. Clarion started dying of laughter, "Aw thanks dear." Snowflake scowled at Milori and shot him a rude glare. Sunflower flew over and sat back in her seat. "Honestly, you couldn't expect us to believe that," she said. "We didn't," Milori responded. "I myself could never believe it," Clarion answered. "Good thing you won't ever have too," Milori responded to her smiling.

Snowflake faked a barfing sound, "Can we please! Just get back to the meeting!" "Yes, let's do that!" Redleaf agreed. "Fine," Clarion agreed as she flipped over a sheet of paper. Everyone began looking over documents and discussing work. "Let the fun begin...." Milori mumbled.


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