Chapter 11:

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(Ella is 4)

Clarion, Milori, and Ella were with the baking fairies. The baking fairies wanted Queen Clarion to make sure everything was fine. "It looks splendid!" Clarion complimented them.

"Thank you, your highness," Lolly accepted with a smile. Clarion looked across the room to see Milori handing Ella a marshmallow. Clarion walked over to them. "Ella, if you can say this word, you can have this," Milori said pointing to the marshmallow.

"Well we have to tell her what it's called at first! Or else it's unfair," Clarion told him. "It's called a marshmallow," Milori told Ella. All the baking fairies were listening in closely as the pretended to work.

"Smushmellow" Ella said smiling. Clarion and Milori tried holding back laughter. "Marsh-Mellow" Clarion and Milori both said at the same exact time. "I- i can't say smushmellow. Cuz i'm just a baby," Ella explained to her parents in her cute little voice.

"You just turned 4! You're not a baby anymore," Clarion told her. "But i'm just....a little girl," Ella said as she pushed her hair out of her face awkwardly. Every fairy started smiling and Awwing at the little fairy. "All you have to do is say the M, then you can have the M-arshmellow," Milori told Ella.

"M. Smushmellow," Ella stated smartly. Milori and Clarion both rolled their eyes. "Well, you have to hand it to her Luv, she did exactly as we said," Milori told Clarion. Clarion grabbed a marshmallow and handed it to Ella.

Ella put the entire thing in her mouth and smiled. "Dear, chew with your mouth closed," Clarion instructed Ella. Ella scrunched her nose and continued to eat her marshmallow. She finished eating it and smiled at the fairies.

"That was a splendid smushmellow!" Ella complimented the fairies. "Thank you princess," one of the older fairies said smiling. "Mommy, Daddy! I want beleven more! Please!" Ella begged her parents. "You will need a visit to a healing talent fairy, if you eat any more sweets!" Milori told Ella.

"I agree, with you father," Clarion told Ella. "Please! I will clean woom! I just want beleven...." Ella begged her parents again. Ella had trouble saying Eleven also. Clarion looked at Milori, who looked at Clarion. "Sure, you can have ELEVEN," Milori told her. "Dear, ask the baking fairies," Clarion informed Ella.

Ella walked up to Lolli and asked, "Exc-Excuse me
miss." "Yes princess?" Lolli responded with. "May, I pwease have belevin smushmellows?" Ella asked properly. "Of course your highness," Lolli responded as she went to put some in a box.

"Might i add something?" the older fairy questioned the little princess. "You don't need ask me to talk," Ella told her. "Of course, I was going to add how much you talk like your mother," she told her. Clarion smiled at the fairy and looked at Ella.

"I don't think that's such a good thing....." Milori mumbled. Clarion elbowed him but no fairy noticed. "I don't talk like mummy. She has a funny voice," Ella commented. The fairy looked to the queen who's eyebrow was raised. "Yes, your mum does have a funny accent," Milori agreed.

As soon as Milori finished his sentence in walked Fairy Mary. "Oh stop lying to the poor child. She sounds exactly like both of you. She has Milori's accent and Clarions manorisms," Mary told them. Clarion and Milori shrugged in agreement. "Auntie Mary! Look i got belevin smushmellows!" Ella beamed. "Well don't those look tasty!" Mary responded smiling. "Mind if i take one?" Mary asked as she went to grab one.

"Auntie Mary! I had to say smushmellows for these, silly! I guess, you can take one...." Ella told her. "I'm only teasing dear, i'm laying off the sweets," Mary informed the princess with a smile. "Mary what are you doing here may i ask?" Clarion questioned.

"I actually came to get you. The ministers requested a last minute meeting," Mary informed her. "What ever for?" Clarion questioned. "Well, i'm not going," Milori told them as they walked out of the tree and him holding Ella's hand. Clarion was holding marshmallows.

"You will be going," Clarion ordered him smiling. "Luv, i have the day off" Milori told her. Clarion shot him a look. "Fine...." Milori agreed. They flew to the pixie dust tree and entered the meeting room.

"Mummy, Daddy, I'm going to play with dolls and eat my shmushmellows over there," Ella told her parents and she flew to a little bean bag. They put on in the meeting room for situations where there was a random meeting.

"Alright dear, go on," Milori told her. Clarion and Milori flew to the meeting table. "Now ministers whats going on?" Clarion asked. "Well, Tinkerbell has been causing havoc again!" Hyacinth shouted to everyone.

"Settle down minister!" Clarion told him
"I will settle down when that tinker stops ruining spring!"
"If i recall she has made everything better. Spring can be done in less than one night now"
Hyacinth went silent and looked down. "Minister, is that what this entire meeting has been called for?" Clarion asked. "Yes!" Hyacinth responded.

He went on and on about every wrong think Tinkerbell has ever done. Milori was so bored he started making snowflakes and staking them in a pile next to his chair. Clarion noticed, as did the other ministers, all except hyacinth.

"And lastly! That fairy has put everyone in danger! Multiple times!" Hyacinth finished. He sat back down and looked at the ministers. "Well, she was able to make spring be finished in a night. That saved us all from the headache of listening to you," Milori plainly said to him. Clarion face palmed herself and all the ministers tried to hold back laughter.

Hyacinth looked like he was going to explode. Milori was snickering. "Why you-!" Hyacinth was cut off by Clarion before he could finish. "Minister, thank you for bringing this to our attention, i unfortunately for you won't do anything about it," Clarion told him. "Very well, your highness," Hyacinth mumbled.

"Meeting dismissed," Clarion said to them. "Wait!" Ella yelled as she flew up fast. "Ella?"Clarion questioned. Ella flew up to hyacinth and handed him a marshmallow. "You sound like you need a smushmellow. They make fairies not cranky and happy instead!" Ella told him smiling.

Clarion turned and looked at Milori trying to not bust out laughing. It didn't help how Milori was trying to do the same. The minister made a fake smile at the princess. "Why, you shouldn't have," he said as he grabbed the marshmallow.

He was acting like it was going to kill him to hold one. Clarion started giggling and Milori followed. The minister let out a huf and flew off. The other ministers were laughing as they flew out.

"Why are the laughing mum?" Ella questioned. "The minister doesn't enjoy marshmallows," Clarion said smiling. "They were laughing at his silliness," Milori told her.

"I thought everyone liked smushmellows," Ella told her parents as they flew out.

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