Chapter 2:

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    "Wake up Ella....Wake up...." Clarion said as she pushed Ella's golden locks out of her face. "No mommy.....It''s to early..." she mumbled as she put her stuffed lady bug over her face. "Now you don't want to be late for snowboarding do you?!" Milori said enthusiastically as he grabbed her and lifted her up. "Noo daddy put me down! Put me down daddy! Haha" Ella was laughing and playfully flailing in his arms.

     Clarion went into ella's closet and pulled out a pair of pants and a shirt. They were long light blue pants, and the shirt was short sleeved, light blue that was off the shoulders. (Horrible description) She walked over to see Milori spinning her around. "By the second star! Your going to make her dizzy beyond compare!" Clarion said playfully as she walked over to Ella.

      Milori went into the other room and got dressed. "Here let me fix your shirt it's on backwards genius" Clarion teased. "I'm a big girl! i can do it!" Ella fixed her shirt and let her mom brush her hair out. "Mum, can you snowboard with us?" Ella asked politely. "Now dear i can't snowboard at all. I quite literally am horrible at it" Clarion told her as she finished putting Ella's hair up in pigtails. "Oh....Well can you watch!?" She said beaming at her mom. Clarion nodded her head yes.

        Clarion and Milori both had the day off so they promised to spend all day with Ella. Since they were both rulers it was hard to get an entire day off without interruptions. They flew to the border and Ella started laughing. She jumped halfway into the border so half her golden locks turned silver and the other half was gold. "Ella? Want to frost your mums wings!?" Milori asked.

        Both Clarion and Ella's eyes grew wide. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" she shouted and jumped up and down. "Wait. Woah woah. What if i accidentally freeze her wings?" Ella looked at her parents puzzled. Clarion shot Milori a worried look. "Well if you do. Me and your mum will be twins!" Milori said with sarcastic enthusiasm. "I trust you Ella. I know you can do it" Clarion said supporting her daughter.

      Ella put out her hand and gently frosted her moms wings. Clarion walked into the winter woods and flew around. "I did it Mum! I did it!" Ella flew and did a flip. "That's my girl" Milori said proudly as he put his arm around Clarion. She laughed lightly and said, "What if i try to snowboard again? I mean...If i'm married to a winter fairy, spend half my time here, and have a daughter who belongs here, I probably should learn how. Right?"

       "I love that idea. But don't be a bad sport when you are nowhere near as good as a 6 year old Luv" Milori teased. "Mommy, daddy! Hurry up! I can't wait much longer! I'm going to snowboard so fast that i'm faster than mommy fast-flying!" Ella yelled from the top of the hill.

       Ella made everyone a snowboard since she thought she was the best fairy ever at making them. "Now mommy. You want to put your feet here. And then you just go down the hill! Easy Peasy!" Ella was so proud of her tutorial. "Dear....i think i might have a more difficult time than that. You can go first" Clarion gestured to the hill. "You can go down sweetheart. I will help your mom down" Milori added. "Okay! But i'm going to be watching so i can see mommy fall!" Ella giggled

        Ella shot down the hill full speed and she did a ton of tricks. Clarions mouth was wide open. "By the second star....How in all of neverland...?" Clarion was admiring. "Your turn love! Give me your hand" Milori grabbed her hand and she smiled nervously. She didn't make it 20 feet without falling.

       Ella completely forgot about her family. She was going up and down the hill and laughing at her mom. "Ok new plan. Take off your board" Milori said. Clarion was confused but she obeyed.

      "Okay. It's off. Am i so horrible your embarrassed to be seen with me!?" she said sarcastically with a smile on her face. "Oh please love. It's to late to save myself the embarrassment" He laughed and kissed her forehead. She rolled her eyes and looked at Ella doing flips and tricks on her board.

      "So why is my boa-" she was cut off of her sentence when Milori picked her up bridal style. "Milori! Put me down! This is an absolute horrible idea!" Clarion playfully hit his chest. "Sorry to late for that. This is the only way your making it down the hill" He stepped onto his board and they were gliding down.

     Clarion was laughing and giggling. While Milori was making sure they weren't going to eat it. Ella saw her parents and flew off. She figured her parents wouldn't notice she disappeared for a few minutes.

     Ella flew back with a camera and started recording and taking a million pictures. Her parents made it to the end of the hill and she flew up. "Daddy! My turn next! My turn!" "Okay. You can go next" he promised.

      "Ella what's that?" Clarion asked gesturing towards the camera. "Oh...It's a camera! You click this button and it takes pictures! So now we have pictures and videos from today! It was my brilliant idea" she beamed proudly. Milori and Clarion both started laughing at there daughter and her so called "brilliant" idea.

       "How about we go to the ice palace and look at them there?!" Clarion said smiling. "Can i get hot chocolate!? Please!" Ella begged her parents. "Sure Ella. But only if i get some too" Milori said.

The rest of the day they spent drinking hot chocolate and looking through pictures Ella took.

(I have a problem. Why do i make these stories at 2 am?)

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