Chapter 4:

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Dewey finished reading it and looked around the library. "Well surely, somewhere in this entire library there will be something about that." He started searching through all his books.

"How a picture is taken? No. Why do i look so ugly in photographs? Definitely not that" Dewey was mumbling and lost in thought.

"Keepa" Milori called as he walked into the library.
Milori looked around and saw dewey was behind a stack of books. "Now why doesn't that surprise me..." Milori mumbled. He walked over and leaned on the pile of books.

"Ah! Milori. You gave me quite a scare there. How long have you been watching me for?" Dewey questions as he looked at Milori. Milori was throwing a book up and down in the air.

"Just arrived. So dewey what are you working on today? Seems important since you have 5 stacks of books instead of 3" Milori was teasing him. "Um...It's nothing. Nothing at all. Just- catchin up on some unfinished books." Milori raised an eyebrow as Dewey gave him a fake smile. "If i recall correctly, Most the time you have around 2 stacks of books- not 5 stacks. Again, correct me if i'm wrong" Milori smiled since he knew dewey was lying and he was correct.

"Um. Yes you are correct. Dont touch that!" Dewey yelled as he flew after Lord Milori. "Give. me. back. that. book!" Dewey tried to jump to grab it from his hands. "Now that is odd" Milori said as he read the title. "Why am i so ugly in photographs? Well, that's certainly not what I was expecting" Milori said laughing.

They made friendly conversation for 20 minutes when dewey randomly said, "Milori, I'm about to tell you what i'm looking for in all these book. Now, don't be mad" Dewey paused and looked at Milori who had a raised eyebrow. Milori raised his hands as a way to say "I won't i wont."

"Okay. I'm helping Queen Clarion. She sent me a picture she found of...of you and her at the border saying goodbye. She was, well, puzzled since no one could have possibly taken the photograph" Dewey said looking at Milori. Milori's jaw was dropped. "Now, i'm not mad. Annoyed you didn't feel the need to tell me, yes. Actually I came because I have the same...well i wouldn't call it a problem." He pulled a picture out of his pocket and it was the same one Clarion had. Now Deweys mouth was dropped.

Dewey talked to Milori about the photograph. He said the same thing Clarion said. He told Dewey how he sent the pictures to Ree since it was her box and he had his own, and how the photo magically appeared. Dewey told Milori he would explain when he figured it out. And with that Milori left.

Dewey searched through every book. "WHILE I'LL BE A YETIS UNCLE! I FOUND IT!" Dewey shouted as he did a spin in air. (an original book is a book that has always been around. Not written by the keeper or any fairy)
The title of the book read
Frozen In Time Picture-graph.
An Original Book
"A frozen In time picture. A moment that is so monumental, and so important in a fairies life it's captured. We know, mother-dove takes them and sends them to fairies when they need them the most. If the fairies can't move on from one another, mother dove will send the picture. None of these photos have been taken yet. The only reason for that is because no two fairies have loved eachother enough"

"Well looks like i have to update an original book. One of those frozen in time photos now exist and the fairies have loved eachother enough...." Dewey said as he began to write a scroll for the queen. "Great, now i have to inform Lord person."

Lord Milori went back to see the keeper in the evening when Dewey invited him over.  Dewey explained everything he learned and Milori was left shocked. "Thank you Dewey. I actually have to get going. Again thank you!" Milori told him as he walked out.

Milori went to watch the snowy owls. "Does she still love me?" Milori thought as he threw a snowball at nothing. "I know i love her. I wonder what she is doing over there. Gosh who am i kidding. I don't care about what she is doing as long as it's making her happy. That's all that matters. Her happiness"

|Queen Clarions POV|
It had been a few days since she had sent the letter to The Keeper. She really hoped he would find an answer. When she was sitting in her office where she signed her paperwork there was a knock at the door.
"Your Highness," a royal guard bowed, "this message came for you just a few moments ago." The fairy bowed and left. "Please. Please, let this be the answer" Clarion prayed in her head. She unraveled the scroll to read

Dear Queen Clarion, i found the answer you were looking for. Now before you start fluttering around your room, the answer isn't as good as you would hope. Read the book.
-The Keeper Of All Fairy Knowledge
(Aka, me, dewey)

Clarion finished reading the scroll along with the paragraph of the book. "Well, this answer is better than none" she thought. "Wait, does this mean Milori still loves me? Oh please Clarion, we don't want him to be hung up on us. He should be happy....even if it's without us" her mind was going a mile a minute. She sat down and looked at the picture of them saying goodbye again. A single tear fell down her face as she played with the necklace Milori had given her all those years ago.

(End I probably could have explained and written more but i got bored with this story. I just felt i owed it to you readers to finish)

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