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Yay! I'm back! This is my new story Porcelain! I wanted to start posting so for now I have that shitty cover till my actual cover is made! I really hope you guys like it! I know the timing is a bit off but it's just a couple months off and plus it's a fanfic. I can do what I want! And just to let you know for the first little, possibly long, while you'll get flashbacks in every chapter at least once. Oh and the song (at least most of the lyrics) that kinda goes with this story is Heels Over Head by Boys Like Girls link is on the side! Also dedicated to my little sister for being an annoying twat but she's cute and loves MT so...

ALSO I don't own Josh, Matt, Mike, Ian, Marianas Trench, their songs, or any Carrie Underwood songs mentioned throughout the story. I do however own the characters of Juliet and Derrick and any other characters mentioned.

Juliet's wedding ring ---------------------->

5 years ago…

*Josh’s POV*

“So you put a ring on her finger now what’re you gunna do?” Matt asked. He was talking about Juliet. Juliet Ramsay. My wife. We’d been married for exactly 6 months, 2 weeks, and 4 days. Yes I kept track. Some people thought we were too young to get married but we didn’t want to wait. I had asked her to promise to marry me one day in the near future as soon as she graduated, she was 17 and I was 19, and with tears in her eyes she said yes. 2 years later when she was 19 and I was 21 I’d proposed. It was right after my band, Marianas Trench, had released our first album and I thought it was perfect to do it during the celebratory party we’d had at Matt’s. Again with tears in her eyes she said yes and I slipped the diamond engagement ring on her finger to replace the old promise ring she’d been wearing for those two years. 6 months later and she was walking down the aisle looking as beautiful as ever in the wedding dress she bought. I wanted to run to her and kiss her right there and then but alas I had to wait for the priest to speak and tell us what to say and do. We said our vows and finally I got to kiss her. I glanced down at the ring on my finger and smiled to myself. “Josh?” Matt’s voice brought me back to reality. I had been tending to space out and remember our wedding day.

“What?” I replied. I didn’t like being interrupted when I was thinking about Juliet. She was my everything.

“I asked you what you’re going to do now that you put a ring on Juliet’s finger then you spaced out again”

“Oh sorry. I don’t really know man. I know she wants to have kids one day in the future but I’d like to get the band up and running a bit better then maybe think about kids. We all know how I feel about screaming babies,” Matt laughed. I was always seated within 8 feet of a screaming baby on airplanes. But when Juliet was beside me it was a lot easier to handle so the guys usually tried dragging her along so I wouldn’t complain the whole flight. The guys love her and she loves them.

“Well I think that no matter what happens you’ll follow her to the ends of the earth if you have to” Matt knew me all too well. I would follow Juliet wherever she wanted to go without arguments. I love her more than anything in the world.

“You got that right”

“You’re kinda like her lovesick bitch now aren’t you?” Matt and the guys were always making jokes about how I was Juliet’s bitch cause I did whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, no matter what it was. They said I was too in love for my own good.

“I think I always have been…” I said more to myself than anyone.

“Y’know one day I kinda hope I find someone to love as much as you love Juliet…” Matt said quietly. I chuckled; the guys may say I’m so in love but deep down they all want that kind of love one day too. I just found it sooner than them. As I turned into the driveway of mine and Juliet’s home I cut the engine immediately and quickly got out. I didn’t see her car but her sister tended to borrow it a lot. Matt laughed as he followed me to the front door. I unlocked the door and stepped inside.

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