Chapter 1

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry this wasn't posted sooner, I went shopping, then watched the Hulk and Iron Man and didn't have time till now so yeah...sorry 'bout that. But from now on chapters will be posted on Fridays (it may change to Tuesdays and Fridays depending on how long this story ends up being) unless I have something to do that day and I can't post but I'll let you know if that'll happen! I hope you guys like chapter 1!

Juliet -------------------------------->

*Juliet's POV*

“Are you ready?” My fiancé, Derrick, asked. We’d just stepped off the plane from Los Angeles to Vancouver, my hometown. Derrick thought it’d be a good idea to come get married here and live here for a while. Maybe start a family. I, however, did not see it as being his greatest idea. “Relax darling, everything will be fine,” Derrick whispered in my ear. Derrick always called me darling, it was his nickname for me, but it always came out like dahling with his accent and whatnot. I thought it was very cute and his accent was super attractive.

“Sorry just a bit nervous about possibly seeing everyone again,” I replied. I gave him and small smile and grabbed his hand.

“Come on, why don’t we call a cab and have them take us to our new home?” Derrick and I had my best friend, Natalie, come out a couple months ago and search for apartments. Derrick and I had both been working and didn’t have the time so she went instead. She found us a cozy little two bedroom apartment in one of the nicer neighbourhoods of Vancouver. We’d sent our furniture ahead of time and had it set up so we didn’t have to deal with it when we got home.

“Okay…” I said. Derrick pulled me through the Vancouver airport and towards the doors. As we were walking out the doors I could’ve swore I saw him standing there. Luckily he had back to us so there was nothing to panic about. Derrick whistled for a cab, something he’d picked up when living in New York. I looked up at my fiancé with a smile. This would be good for us. A new start. We’d get married and start a family and everything would be perfect.


As soon as we dropped our bags we began passionately kissing. Our relationship was very hands on. No we didn’t just love the sex; we truly did love each other the sex was just a big bonus.

After some nice quality time in the bedroom we went out to get some food for the fridge and cupboards and whatnot. Our apartment was quite spacious. Natalie had sent us pictures but she never actually described how large the place really was. The bedroom had enough room to hold our bed, a dresser, two side tables, and a computer desk. It also had a bathroom attached to it. The second bedroom was my music room, holding my guitars and laptop for song writing and music mixing. I’d downloaded all the best music mixing programs and would just create little demos that I’d never send in. Derrick always told me I should send in a demo but I always told him no. I didn’t want people hearing my work just yet. I liked writing country sounding songs; I didn’t like the mainstream pop and definitely wasn’t going near the pop-punk-rock sort of genre so I decided on country. It was lots of fun actually because I could still write love songs or whatever but work in country beats and stuff. Derrick loved it.

The living room sort of merged into our small dining room and then went into the kitchen. On the other side of the living room was the main bathroom which had a shower, toilet, and sink. Just like a regular bathroom would, our bathroom had the same but it was a shower and tub instead of just a shower. We figured we’d just shove some usual bathroom stuff in our main bathroom so it seemed like we actually used that bathroom.

My cellphone ringing broke me from my thoughts. I pulled it out of my back pocket and clicked talk.

“Hello?” I said.

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