Sequel/Prequel/Spin-off/Author's Note

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So...Porcelain has come to an end...and I'm really sad. But with some help on deciding what I'm gonna do I've figured out what you'll be seeing from me in the next little while. I have a few options for you guys to vote for but don't get all pissy if I don't do it right away because ultimately it's my decision and I wanna be able to post every Friday instead of getting shitty writer's block 24/7. But anyways, here are your choices.

Prequel: Basically the majority of the flashbacks shown in here (any flashbacks mentioned in here will be in the opposite persons POV in the prequel) with a little more obviously.

Sequel: Josh and Juliet's life 5 years from now. Set a little bit after the epilogue

Spin-off: Story about Matt and Violet. I haven't decided whether it'll be similar to Porcelain (set in current-ish time with flashbacks) or if it'll be set when they're in high school and whatnot (maybe you guys can help me with that by letting me know which way you'd prefer it)

New Story: New story. New characters. New plot. New everything. I'll even give you the shitty description thing I've come up because I know you guys are rather attached to Josh and Juliet (someone said they'd marry me if I made a sequel so...) 

Shitty Descriptio Thing: Danielle Hartley is Canada's Golden Girl, and she hates it. So for her new album she goes deep inside herself to write her own lyrics and come out with something meaningful. With the help of her friends from Marianas Trench she's on a roll. But with touring across Canada and the US for 14 months and being stuck on the same bus with 6 other guys she finds it's hard to keep her new friends with benefits relationship a secret from the public and more importantly her other tour mates.

Author's Note:

A lot of people have been asking about the sequel to Desperate and YES I am doing one it's just I literally have no ideas for it. I have chapter 1 finished and I'll probably be posting it in a little while but after that I will be going on a bit of a hiatus as I need to get my life a little bit more normal before I start worrying about writing and posting and everything so please don't send me a shit ton of messages asking where the sequel is and stuff because that'll just make me angry and keep me from posting. So please just be patient and when I get my mind back together I will start posting again ok?

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