Chapter 13

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So originally this chapter was going to be New Year's Eve/New Year's Day but I got awful writers block and just couldn't figure out what to write so I just skipped like 3 weeks into the future! I think most of you will be pleased with this chapter but idk I guess we'll find out when you comment! *wink wink* oh and sorry this is late. I got home late last night and had to watch NML so I didn't exactly have time to post till now! Sorry kitties!

 Delilah --------------------------------->

*Juliet's POV*

Countdown to wedding: 1 month. Yup that’s right. In exactly 31 days I will be introduced as Mrs. Juliet Turner and Derrick and I will go on to live in a beautiful house with our beautiful children and live happily ever after. That is if I don’t tear my hair out from all the last minute wedding planning. Derrick’s sister, Delilah, her husband, Adam, and their daughter, Aimee, were all in town to help with the wedding. Well Delilah was helping; Adam was taking care of their daughter while we did wedding stuff.

“So how’s everything been going since you left?” Delilah asked.

“Pretty good. Derrick likes his job, I like being back home. I do miss California but I’ve also really missed Vancouver,” I replied.


“So how’s the little monster been?” Delilah and I hadn’t gotten much of a chance to catch up since they’d arrived so we were doing it now.

“She’s missed the luxury of seeing her favorite soon to be aunt almost every day”

“I’ve missed her too. She’s gotten so big since we left!”

“Yeah she’s teething now so she likes chewing on things”

“Well at least she’s cute!”

“Sadly yes”

“Juliet!” I turned and smiled as I saw Josh coming towards us.

“Hey!” I wrapped my arms around his neck as soon as Josh was close enough. “Josh this is Derrick’s sister Delilah, Delilah this is my friend Josh”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Delilah said. Josh shook her hand and smiled.

“I think Juliet has mentioned you a few times before. She’s very fond of your daughter,” Josh said.

Delilah laughed. “Yes she is. Speaking of which we should probably be getting back to your apartment to make sure all is well”

“We probably should. It was nice to see you Josh! I’ll call you soon ok?”

“Of course,” Josh kissed my cheek then turned and headed in the other direction.

“So who was that?” Delilah asked.

I frowned. “Josh. My friend”

“Who was that really Juliet? You two seemed way to close for two people that only could’ve met a month and a half ago”

“I get lonely when Derrick’s at work or out with friends so I hang out with Josh a lot”

“Are you cheating on Derrick?”

“What?! Of course not! Are people not allowed to be friends with the opposite gender once they’re engaged?”

“Not when they look that happy to see said person!”

“I can’t be happy to see my friends?”

“I’m sorry Julie; I just don’t want my brother to get hurt. Not after what happened with Dylan. So if you don’t love him anymore and you love that Josh guy I want you to promise me you’ll break up with him now and not leave him at the altar ok? It’s the least you can do for him if you don’t love him anymore,” Did I love Josh? Sure I loved him as a friend but I wasn’t in love with him. Right?

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