Chapter 15

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Y'all are gunna hate Derrick some more after this. Oh and I added the cutest cat video I've ever seen just to brighten the mood lolol

A cat (but look at it licking it's little paw awwwwww) ---------------------------->

*Juliet's POV*

"Oh my god I can't believe you brought me along for this!" Josh whined. I laughed and grabbed his hand dragging him into the dressing room with me. I stood on my tip toes and kissed him.

"We'll get kicked out if you don't shut up!" I giggled. Josh wrapped his arms around my waist and pouted.

"I can't believe you brought me dress shopping!"

"It was the only way we could spend time together alone!" Josh sighed. "What's wrong?"

"It's just I hate sneaking around like this. Why can't you just dump Derrick already? I feel like I'm you're second choice!" I cupped his face in my hands, forcing him to look at me.

"You're not. I just need to figure everything out"

"I don't want to wait forever Juliet. I want you all to myself"

"I know..."

"I'm sorry. You're just so irresistible!" I giggled and leaned up to kiss him.

"You should come to this amateur singer’s thing tonight! It'll be fun and we can even sing together! Plus I need someone other than Derrick's work buddies wives to talk to!"

Josh smiled. "I'd love to"

"Great!" I leaned up to kiss him again but a knock at the door stopped me. "Yes?"

"How are you finding everything ma'am? Everything alright?" The sales lady asked.

"Yeah just trying to get the dress on!" I said as I quickly started sliding out of my clothes while Josh pulled the first dress I'd chosen off the hanger.

"Would you like help?"

"No I've got everything under control!" I quickly stepped into the dress and with the help of Josh we managed to get it on my body in record time.

"Fuck getting a dress on you is even harder than it is getting it off!" Josh said as he tried to zip the dress up.

"Oh shush!"

"What? It's true! Getting this dress on is even more of a pain in my ass then getting your other dress off!"

"Not my fault wedding dresses apparently don't like me!"


5 years ago...

I threw my head back and laughed as Josh desperately tried to unzip my dress.

"I just want this fucking thing off!" He growled.

"Josh relax! If you just take a breath and calm down maybe it'll work!" I said. Josh sighed and tried to slowly unzip my dress.

"They do this on purpose don't they? Purposely make it impossible to get these things off so I have to sit here and be extremely horny while it takes forever for you to get this dress off!" I laughed and turned around and kissed Josh.

"You act like you haven't had sex in years! It's been six months!"

"Yeah well you've been no help by wandering around the apartment flaunting your assets every chance you get!"

"Flaunting my assets?"

"Yeah! You totally wander around the house in those sexy bras and panty sets you own just to get me horny only for me to realize I can't do anything about it! You're an evil genius!"

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