Chapter 8

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Ok so I'll be breif on this part but basically I'm in the new Anami Vice video and you can actually see me so you guys get this chapter 4 days early because I'm good person!

So this has like 3 flashbacks all really close together but that's how I wanted it and it's actually mostly just the flashbacks and a bit of actual present day stuff. Also this chapter may be (idk I just wanted to warn you just in case...) triggering so you've been warned but it's only in last two flashbacks so you can just not read those if you're worried about that sort of thing. Lastly I almost started crying during the whole Josh going to rehab flashback but that's how I felt it would've gone in my mind but yeah emotional shit. At least for me...

Jenny --------------->

*Josh's POV*

“W-what?” I stuttered. Out of all the reasons she could’ve left her being pregnant and it wasn’t mine was not an option that crossed my mind. “How’d this happen?”

“Uh it was a night I went out with Violet and I don’t remember much except waking up in some guy’s apartment the next morning. I assumed from the lack of clothing he’d taken advantage of me and when my period was late my suspicions were confirmed. I’m really sorry Josh, I was ashamed with myself that I let some stupid guy take advantage of me like that but when you looked at me with those eyes and smiled at me like we were the happiest couple in the world I knew I couldn’t just tell you I was pregnant with someone else’s kid. I had to leave,” She said. For someone who still had tears streaming down her cheeks she managed to get that out very well.

“Why didn’t you tell me? We could’ve worked something out! We would’ve figured something out and everything would’ve been fine!”

“No Josh, everything wouldn’t have been fine! I would’ve given birth to some random guys baby and I would’ve had to raise a child pretending that you’re it’s dad even though it was their stupid mom’s fault for being so dumb as to agree to go out for some drinks when I could’ve stayed home and none of this would’ve happened!” She cried. I got up from my chair and pulled her into my arms. I pulled a twenty out of my pocket and tossed it on the table. I led Jules out the door and into my SUV so we could talk more privately.

*Juliet’s POV*

“I’m sorry! I’m so so so so sorry!” I wailed. All I had wanted was to get out of town, start a new life, forget about Josh; but how is that possible when your fiancé drags you back to your hometown? Everyone was in this mess because of me, because of some stupid choices at a stupid bar with a stupid guy. I didn’t even know his name for god’s sakes.


5 years ago…

“Come on Jules! How many times have we gone out just the two of us since you got married?” Violet whined.

“We go out all the time!” I argued.

“Yeah but not to bars or anything! Come on it’ll be fun!”

I rolled my eyes. “Fine, let me change,” Violet grinned and clapped her hands. I turned and walked away from her and to our bedroom. I’d have to let Josh know I was going out before I left...

I pulled on some clean jeans and a flowy tank top. It’s not like I was dressing to impress anyone anyways. I left my hair up in its ponytail and dabbed on some lip gloss. I grabbed my I.D and some cash for drinks.

“Hurry up Jules!” Violet called.

“Just telling Josh we’re going out!” I yelled. I jogged down the stairs to our basement/music room/man cave. Josh was sitting with his back to me strumming a guitar and occasionally writing down things on sheets of paper.

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